Factors that break ghusal

Becoming excited when talking to girls

Q: I am 22 years old and work in an IT company. I have to interact with a lot of girls all the time to solve their computer issues and while talking to them I get excited and a white liquid flows from my penis. But, it does not lead to ejaculation. Altough my intentions are not pervert I had this issue when I used to carry small kids as well but it has stopped now. But I still have this issue with girls.So,does it break my gusul ? Do I have to take gusul again? Is there any way to stop this?

Delaying having a bath after intercourse

Q: After intercourse if I get any najasat impurity on my body then immediately I wash off everything then in the morning before going to the gym I don't takea bath and wear my gym garments then after coming back from the gym I take a bath. I know this will clean all the impurity but some day if I dont have intercourse with my husband and before going to the gym I use the same unwashed gym garments then tell me this will make me impure najis or am I pure? Because I get a little sweat while I excercise.