Factors that break ghusal

Seeing white spots on one's clothes

Q: I have been having little doubts about wet dream. I woke this morning and I got changed and went with my day. Didn't notice any wetness or anything, but when I got home in afternoon to pray I got little doubts so I went to check the garment that slept in. When I checked, the garment had very little white dry patches. Since I saw these patches I got more waswasas. Also I put this garment with my clean clothes. I was wondering is this garment impure? Will my prayer be invalid? Is this just waswasas? If it is not waswasas, will the other clothes become impure as well?

Wet dream

Q: When at night we see a wet dream and we ejaculate, is it farz to do gusl afterwards? In winters it is difficult to take bath at fajr and then go to masjid. If after ejaculation we don't do gusl can we offer salaah with just wudhu?

Wet dream

Q: I woke up in the morning and found my self a little wet i.e some ejaculation and I didn't have any dream of having sex or being seduced. So do I have to bath before praying?