Factors that break ghusal

Seeing little wetness after a wet dream


1. When I start sleeping then in the beginning I don't sleep completely and some sexual things flash in my mind and some mazi comes out so this would be counted as wet dream? I am sure that I didn't have any vaginal throbbing nor did my heart beat get fast, so do I have to make ghusl?

2. When I woke up then I remember having a wet dream but there was no wetness nor mani or mazi but there was very little spot on my clothes which was looking like regular white discharge, so should I make ghusl?

Wet dream


1. I saw a dream of myself taking a bath and I felt strong contraction on vagina is it a wet dream as I have orgasm and when I woke up I found transparent viscous fluid. Is ghusl necessary on me?

2. If on my cloth I found madhi but the blanket I have on me I didn't see any stain should I've to give the blanket for washing as I don't know whether madhi got on it or not is it impure now?

Ghusal after dreaming


1. I wanna ask you, if I had a dream which is not like any wet dream but in this dream I feel nervous, love and happy but there is no sexual activity, does this count as a wet dream?

2. If I have some sexual things in my mind in the beginning of my sleep but at that time I don't sleep completely so should I count it as a wet dream if only mazi comes out ?

Performing ghusal due to feeling wetness upon awakening

Q: Please tell me in which situation I will have to perform ghusl if mani is not released but feel little wetness

1. If I saw a dream which is lovable in nature not sexual

2. I saw a dream in which I feel nervous or shy but don't do anything sexual 

3. A dream in which I got a little bit aroused but not anything sexual

b. If I am at first stage of my sleep but not sleep completely and some dirty things flashes but I don't feel vaginal throbbing or not my heart beat goes fast so does this count as a wet dream and do I have to perform ghusl?

Ghusal for a man who inserts his private part into another man


1. When a man inserts his tip of penis in other man's anus, both should have fard ghusl right?

2. Is the ghusl fard even if when both had worn clothes? E.g. If one had worn pants and the other had also worn pants but the penis went inside the anus along with both pants. Is ghusl still fard?

3. Is the fard ghusl same as ghusl janabah?

Fluid coming out after ghusal

Q: I broke my ghusl yesterday and today before performing ghusl, I trimmed my pubic hair by applying shaving gel then fluid started coming out of my private part. I sat on the toilet seat for like 20 minutes squishing my private part to get all the fluid out, but it was continuously coming out. I got under the shower for 5 minutes and again went to the toilet seat to check if it was still coming out, there was a little of it but after squishing it twice, the fluid stopped coming out, I checked twice and there wasn't any fluid. I performed ghusl but I am not sure if that fluid came out during the performance of ghsul or not or afterwards. Do I need to perform ghusl again?

Note: I face a lot of waswasa during ghusl and it takes me about half and hour to perform ghusl! It's really hard for me so I just don't want to do it again!