Factors that break ghusal

Experiencing a discharge due to sexual thoughts

Q: I was at friends house and some of her guests were saying inappropriate (sexual) things and I was trying not to listen but when I did, I got weird feeling in my private area and like something should be put up in the area (private area) but I didn't. I just sat there till the feeling left and when I came home, I went to the washroom and I had a bit more discharge than usual like it was kind of a lot. Should I do ghusul?

Wet dream

Q: If l don't remember any wet dream and nor any orgasm and I am not in doubt that it is mani or mazi but find regular vaginal discharge (normal white discharge) on clothes, ghusl is fardh on me?

Wet dream


1) If don't feel or remember any wet dream nor any normal dream nor any orgasm nor any sensation and nor any arousing but feel wetness on waking up or see little discharge like regular vaginal discharge so ghusl is fardh on me?

2) If I have a wet dream and feel wetness or see little vaginal discharge on my clothes but very sure that wetness is not mani or mazi ( may be sweat or istinja wetness) so ghusl is fardh on me?

Wet dream

Q: I want to ask you if I don't feel or remember any wet dream, not any orgasm but feel wetness upon waking up so ghusl is waajib upon me in these situations.

1) If wetness is sweating

2) If wetness is due to istinja during night

3) If wetness is regular vaginal discharge

4) If wetness is mazi

5) If wetness is mani

Wet dream

Q: Please tell me if I have a dream which is lovable in nature not sexual. Also I don't have an orgasm but I feel wetness which is maybe sweat or some other reasons so is there ghusal on me? Actually I am not married so I don't know how mani looks and this wetness happens so many times.

Wet dreams

Q: I have a problem with wet dreams and I am a female. I don't think I've ever actually experienced one because I am a virgin and don't exactly know what an orgasm is or feels like. I usually suffer from discharge on a daily basis, so when I think I have a dream I base it on whether I have excessive discharge. I've been dreaming of just words or small actions and not the actual thing, but once I did dream of the actual thing and woke up dry with no feeling of an orgasm (I googled it and found out you feel exhausted after but I don't. My heart only beats fast out of nervousness of the nature of my dream). I made ghusl just in case, but was ghusl waajib on me? And then recently I've dreamt of a boy and girl having physical contact (touching, kissing) but no actual sexual contact had taken place, but I had a throbbing sensation in my private area. I had these dreams during haidh so hard to tell if I discharged a lot or not. Will ghusal be compulsory on me. Please advise me on what I can do or read to prevent these dreams?

Discharge coming out due to sexual thoughts


1. I was sitting and some sexual dirty thoughts came and I didn't know if discharge had came or not but like after one hour when I went to the washroom and I washed, I noticed a bit more discharge then usual. Am I napaak now?

2. When I was washing I got this weird feeling in my private area and my heartbeat didn't go faster or anything but when I finished there was a little bit of discharge. Would that make me napaak?

Wet dream

Q: I want to ask you if I have a dream in which I feel love for a guy or my fiance so this is a wet dream and I will have to do ghusl for this if I feel little wetness? Maybe this wetness is due to sweating or istinja.