Factors that break ghusal

Sexual thoughts

Q: Whenever I start sleeping I have some sexual thoughts or dream in begining of sleep and I feel wetness. I don't know that these are just the thoughts or it is dreaming but I am sure that I don't remember any sensation or vaginal throbbing so this is wet dream or not? This happens to me almost everyday.

Wet dream

Q: I want to ask you that most of the time I se non-mahrams in my dreams and feel wetness. Maybe this wetness is due to sweating or discharge. Also I don't see any erotic activity, arousing or any orgasm. This is like normal dream. Because I saw males in dream and feel wetness, so ghusl is fardh on me?

Wrong thoughts

Q: I had this dream/thought of these two people kissing and I was awake but had my eyes clothes after I had woken up almost, and my heartbeat didn't go fast or anything but sometimes when I cross my legs my private area throbs so am I napaak? Would this be considered as a wet dream? Also I am on my period if I am how can I do ghusul? If I sit on stuff and use things will it become napaak?


Q: Please help me. I am in too much waswasa. I always doubt about wet dream. Whenever I wake up after sleep I always doubt that I have some sensation at private area and always thought I have wet dream or not.

1) If I feel some sensation at private area in sleep but not feel aroused or not remember any wet dream but feel wetness ghusl wajib on me?

1.2) In same situation if I don't feel any wetness but after few minutes during istinja I saw white and transparent discharge.

2) Many times I don't remember any thing about dream but I only remember a guy and feel wetness.

3) I always have doubt after every sleep and I perform ritual bath many times. Please reply me I am in overwhelming waswsa sleeping become a nightmare for me.

Mazi coming out after ghusal


1. Today after masturbating, mazi kept coming out and even after ghusl I noticed some mazi but before taking ghusl I did urinate and wait. I think mazi was even coming out during ghusl, is my ghusl still valid?

2. In Indian toilet whenever I urinate, during time of washing, I mean when I pour water on my private part it get mix with urine and fall on my underwear, my private part is always soiled with urine because I am mazoor? Do I need to wash my underwear or continue doing wudhu?

3. In Indian toilet when washing private part water splashes back on clothes and feet, is it clean or unclean?

Wet dream


1) With the regard to your answer that the mani of women is yellowish and mazi is white. If a woman have a wet dream and she find white discharge that means this is mazi and don't need ghusl?

2) Sometimes I have very scary dream and I wake up with big shock but very sure there is no desire or pleasure so this is also count as wet dream?

3) If a woman does not have any wet dream but she find wetness how she can identify that this is sexual discharge or not?