Loaning Musjid money to pay of the outstanding amount of another Musjid

Q: There is a masjid in our city which just has been constructed. The administration of this particular masjid have a outstanding amount of money which they owe to the contractor who has built the masjid by the end of June 2009. (approximate $400,000). So in the light of jurisprudence is it permissible for one masjid or a number of masajid to lend this particular masjid a loan from their monies which they have collected from the people in the form of donations for a particular cause for example construction of the masjid or masjid upkeep etc, so that they can make the timely payment.

In summary, is it permissible to transfer/lend a waqf of one place to another place which is also a waqf with the promise of return/repayment?

Any assistance will be highly appreciated.