Differences between the western system of business and finance and the Islamic system

Q: I would like some assistance in how to explain to non muslims about the differences between the western system of business and finance and the islamic system. I know the main difference is that islam does not permit/allow dealing in interest in any way. The thing is that these kaafirs rely on Jewish economists who use fancy, complicated terms to "prove" their theories etc..

These guys who I speak to, say that this is the way it is and if we want to be successful then we have play the game intelligently. I keep telling them that there is an alternative but I dont know how to present it to them in a simple way.

normal muslims like me will just tell them that "Allah ta'ala says... in the Quran & our prophet Muhammad (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said ..." this is not going to make sense to them or satisfy them. So, how can I explain to them the differences between the two systems and show clearly the benefits of the Islamic system?

Registering a company name

Q: Please inform me whether registering a company name is permissible. Once registered, nobody has the right to use this name except myself. Also, what is the ruling regarding registering a product name under my name? After this, nobody can name their product with this name except myself.

Insurance related queries

Q: Is the following permissable :

Life Insurance - That you have taken out

Life Insurance - The company you work for has taken out a policy for you

Pension Fund -  That you have taken out

Pension Fund -  The company you work for has taken out a policy for you

Medical Aid -  That you have taken out

Medical Aid -  The company you work for has taken out a policy for you

Manager of a shop buying from his children

Q: If a person that does buying for a shop (he is not the owner) he guides his children buy this and this for the shop and you add some profit for yourselves and then I will buy it from you for the shop (the children use their own money and then sell it to the shop and they increase the price to make a profit). And if it was not for the children he would have bought it straight from the supplier and no extra money need be paid. Is it permissible for the children to sell to the shop in this manner?

Father buying from son who is a rep

Q: My father is the buyer in the shop  

3 reps come:

Rep A offers R 2.00

Rep B offers R3.00

Rep C offers R3.50

Can my father accepts rep A offer although it is his son. In the shop my parents told me 90- 98 % of the time they do not send people to go and buy. They get their goods from reps who deliver. So by selling to them I am the cheapest rep (where I buy from is cheaper, they know of this place, but they do not buy in that manner 90-98% of the time). So now what I am doing is it permissible?

Interpretation of a dream

Q: I had the following dream. I was reading Salaat behind an Imam. The Imam started reading something extra in the salaat I did not follow him and waited for salaat to finish. When salaat was completed some people were poking me and wanted to shoot me with a gun. However the gun did not fire instead it was getting jammed. Then I am telling the Imam hold faast on to the Quraan and Sunnah I repeated this many times to him. Further I mentioned to the Imam hold on to the Quraan and Sunnah and do not add anything extra and you will not go wrong. After that the Imam put his round me telling everybody not to harm me for I am his freind. Mufti Saheb because I stay very close to Sparks Road Masjid I at times read my Salaat there.

التحرك بالرؤوس والأبدان عند الذكر

س: كثير من المسلمين عندما يشتغلون بالذكر (في حالة الجلوس) يتحركون برؤوسهم و صدورهم يمنةً و يسرةً أو أماماً و خلفاً؛ و في كثير من الأحوال يقع ذلك بغير العمد، كأنه وقع لازماً. هل هذا جائز لا بأس به، عندما الشخص لا يقصد به التشبه باليهود؟لماذا أسأل - لأن رأيت في التلفاز أن اليهود عندما يقومون بقراءة التوراة أو غيرها من أمور دينهم، فهم أيضاً يتحركون بأبدانهم أماماً و خلفاً و لكن في حالة القيام. و كثير من المسلمين عندما يقرؤون القرآن أيضاً يتحركون برؤوسهم و صدورهم أماماً و خلفاً بغير قصد التشبه باليهود. أراه جائزاً و لكن أريد الفتوى في ذلك لإطمئنان القلب.