Cognac oil in beverages, etc.

Q: Please can you tell me would this cognac oil be considered Halaal for use in beverages or any other products? 

  • This cognac oil is a key ingredient found in a flavour.
  • The dosage of the cognac oil when in the flavour is 0.04%.
  • The dosage of the cognac oil in the flavour after it has been added to the beverage is 0.00026% and this beverage product is ready to drink

How this Cognac Oil is made

Cognac Oil is also known as 'Wine Lees Oil' or 'Weinhefeoel' (in German). Produced as a by product from the distillation of Cognac (Brandy). It is present in Cognac to the amount of about 2 mg. The aromatic substances contained in cognac oil derived partly from the activities of the particular yeast fungus used, partly from the type of grapes fermented.

The oil is obtained by the steam distillation of the reside of grape tissue and fungus precipitate after fermentation (and distillation) of the alcoholic beverage.

Jewellery which are a symbol of other religions


  1. If women have gold, silver, and diamond crucifixes, aum, and Buddha jewellery before excepting Islam, what should they do with them? Should they have them melted and redesigned or should they bury them?
  2. What is the punishment for Muslims selling jewellery for kuffaar religions?
  3. Can Muslims wear jewellery that has the name of Allah and ayaat from the Quran in lockets when we don't have wudhu?

Some questions relating to Halaal & Haraam and eating at non-Muslim outlets


  1. Is it permissible to eat ONLY CHIPS at a restaurant that sells haraam meat?
  2. Some people ,when they eat at a restaurant then they lift up both their legs and they place both their legs on the chair and they sit by the table and chairs!!! A certain Mufti told us to sit in this way in Medina Munawarrah at one of the restaurants where he only bought chips and we only ate the chips with their sauces!!! 
  3. At which restaurants may a person eat in Port Elizabeth And Mayfair-Fordsburg?