Paying back an interest loan or delaying it until it is written off

Q: My question is about the UK student loans. I took out the loan to go to university not knowing back then that it was haraam. The UK student finance does't require you to pay anything back until you earn above a certain amount. However it does start taking interest from day one of the loan being given. I have now started a job and will have to pay back the loan which is taken out of my salary every month. 

My question is whether it is better for me to try and save up and get rid of the loan as soon as possible or is it ok if I continue paying as it is as the loan gets wiped off after 30 years. Either way I am paying interest.

The first option means I get rid off my debt as soon as possible, whilst the second one means that I may end up not even paying back as much as I borrowed as the loan gets woed out after 30 years. Whilst pursuing the second option I would contribute more to charirty inshaAllah. I need advise on which path is better.

Father wanting the son to go to university

Q: I don't know why my father wants me to further my education after using several years in secondary school. I believe that the years spent by me while in secondary school is too much, and I know that in Islam we don't have enough time to waste because death approaches someone suddenly. According to the word of Allah Ta'ala (الموت يأتى بغتتا).

With this, I believe it time for me to face my Lord and seek forgiveness, but my father wants me to go to university and I am not interested. I am confused. Please advise me.

Husband marrying wife's aunt (mother's sister)

Q: A girl is 16 years old and she got married to a 27 year old boy knowing that the boy was having an affair with her own aunty (girls mothers real sister). After one month of that girls marriage, her husband got married to her aunty. 

So my question is... is the first marriage halaal or haraam. If it is haraam then can the girl get married to another man without any divorce or khula?

Getting one's license disc or COR via a contact

Q: Can I get my licensed disc/COR done via a contact and give him a fee for doing it?

I'm noticing everyone is doing this these days. From my understanding, this is illegal because if the car is not roadworthy you should not get a COR/disc because you need to fix your car according to the rules of the road, which you agreed to when acquiring your vehicle license.

The contact that does this "back door" will get you the documents regardless of the condition of the vehicle, fit or unfit for the road.