What can a woman recite during her haidh?
Q: What can a woman recite during her haidh?
Q: What can a woman recite during her haidh?
Q: I suspect that I am pregnant. I saw some pink spotting and regarded it as haidh. The next day I did a pregnancy test which was positive. However I am still not 100% sure that I am pregnant. I am still not experiencing haidh like I usually do. Should I consider myself in the state of haidh ?
Q: A women is on birth control and the doctor told her if she experiences bleeding before she arrives at the white pills, she shouldn't be concerned, it's completely normal. She wants to find out if break through bleeding is considered as her period.
She checked a fatwa on your website and it matches her situation. (She’s bleeding after 15 clean days and she’s been bleeding for more than 3 days).
As per the fatwa, it says that she is on her haiz.
But the thing is that she knows when her period comes. It comes when she’s on her 2nd white pill. So she knows that's her actual period. Her problem is that if she considers the breakthrough bleeding as her haiz then by the time she does reach her actual period, it won't be regarded as her haiz but rather istihaaza because the breakthrough bleeding did not stop. So she would have to read Salah, Quran, etc., while she’s on her actual monthly period and she doesn’t know if that is correct.
Does the fatwa apply to her or not because she knows that her period has a fixed time of arrival. Is there a different ruling regarding her situation.
Q: I am dealing with a lot of confusion regarding haidh. My cycle usually lasts 7/8-ish days. It ends with brown or dark yellow discharge.
On the 7th day I did ghusl as it appeared clear to me, however around midnight I saw brown discharge which was definitely haidh. So I waited again. I kept checking and when I saw clear discharge multiple times, I did ghusl again in the afternoon on the 8th day.
Later on in the day after maghrib or isha I saw on my underwear there was yellowish discharge which appeared slightly dark. My normal discharge can be clear or light yellow. I decided to ignore it. However I’m really worried and I don’t know if I made the right decision. I fasted the next day and I’m worried that my fast didn’t count.
Q: Is a breastfeeding woman allowed to breastfeed her child while on menses?
Q: My daughter is 12 years old and on the 1st of October she had a very light spotting of brownish discharge, then again on the 4th she said she noticed discharge that wasn’t white and nothing again. So she had a ghusl and started her Salaah. She didn’t get anything this month. I’m wondering if the discharge could be due to some other reason maybe and she is not baaligh yet. That was the first time she had any sort of discharge that wasn’t white.
Q: I have been diagnosed with pelvic congestion syndrome so my discharge is always yellow. How do I know when haidh is over? I am very confused.
Also, with regards to wudhu, can you you please explain what I should do.
Q: Is horse riding allowed for women?
Q: If a Quraanic aayat comes within a hadith, bayaan, etc., will it be permissible for a woman in the state of haidh to read the aayat (aloud) along with the rest of the text?
Q: A woman got divorced few months back yet she only found out recently after the +/- 3 month period of iddat had passed. Does she have to sit in iddat now when she found out? Or is the iddat already over?