Dawat and Tabligh

The View of the Ulama in Regard to Moulana Sa’d

Q: Mufti Saheb, currently the ummah is passing through a period of major ikhtilaaf in the circles of Tableegh. Some Ulama are saying that we should follow Nizaamuddeen, while other Ulama say that we should follow Raiwind (i.e. the Aalami Shura).

Some musjids are not allowing jamaats who come from Nizaamuddeen to give bayaans in their musjids, while other musjids are not allowing jamaats who come from the Aalami Shura side to give bayaans in their musjids. 

Some people are inviting towards attending the ijtima held by one group, while other people are discouraging people from attending the ijtima.

Some Ulama say that it is not permissible to listen to the talks of Ml Sa’d, while other Ulama say that there is nothing wrong with listening to his talks. 

Some people feel that speaking out against Ml Sa’d and condemning him is not permissible as it enters under gheebah. Is this correct?

We will really appreciate it if Mufti Saheb could present some guidance on this serious difference.

Following the people who are adhering to the sunnah

Q: It goes without saying the recent indifference that has occurred in the tableeghi jammat with the one side having certainty on an ameer and his claims and Allah Ta'ala knows what more he says, and the shura side who Alhamdulillah is trying to take the work forward and leave the baatil. Would Hadhrat Mufti Saheb still advise going in jamaat with the shura side?

Tableegh and Taleem

Q: I grew up in a home where my dad always went out in Jamaat and did Taleem at home. I am married to a Muslim man who is kind and generous Alhamdullilah but does not believe in tableegh work, he refuses to go out even for 3 days. I have made dua many times but he refused. He will sit and listen when Jamaat visits our home but his dad told him not to go with the "tabhleegis" if I can put it like that. Please elloborate to me in simple terms

1. What is Tableegh and why the Jamaat goes out doing Tableegh work so I can explain to him and his family. Alot of them also say that Taleem is a tabhleegis practice and that's the reason they don't do it.

2. Also they believe in reading Salaami which I was never taught. One question also raised is that why don't we read the salaami in the Taleem groups done by women weekly? 

Meaning of amr bil maroof and inviting towards Islam

Q: I would like to inquire regarding the following:

1. Does the amr bil maroof abundantly mentioned in the Qur'an include inviting non Muslims towards Islam?

2. Which should be given preference/which is more important, inviting non Muslims towards Islam, or inviting Muslims to uphold the deen completely? Does one hold greater importance over the other or are both equal in importance?

3. If one carries out one out of the two above, will it be considered to be deficient for not carrying out the other?

Bringing Deen alive in the lives of people

Q: We hear in some bayans, "Allah will ask us on the day of qiyaamah, that Deen was coming out of the lives of the people, what did you do to bring Deen alive?"

1. Is this a valid statement to make?

2. Will we be questioned about whether we made efforts of Deen or not?

3. If someone does not make any effort of deen on others at all, but does practice on deen himself, will he be taken to task for this?

4. What is the ruling regarding tabligh in the current tarteeb present, is it something mustahab, or mubaah, or what?

5. What is the ruling regarding tasawwuf in the current tarteeb present of going to a shaykh etc, is it something mustahab, or mubaah, or what?