The Status of Sa’ee
Q: What is the status of sa’ee?
Q: What is the status of sa’ee?
Q: Is it permissible to make sa’ee in a wheelchair without any excuse?
Q: A person who was performing sa’ee of Safaa and Marwah on foot was knocked by a wheelchair and was hurt. Is it permissible for him to complete the remainder of his sa’ee in a wheelchair?
Q: Can one stop the sa’ee to perform the fardh salaah?
Q: Can a nafl sa’ee be made on its own, just as a nafl tawaaf is made? In other words, can one perform just a nafl sa’ee, whenever one wishes, without doing a tawaaf before?
Q: Is it permissible to delay sa’ee after performing tawaaf?
Q: Can one participate in janaazah salaah during sa’ee?
Q: Should istilaam be made before commencing sa’ee?
Q: Is the sa’ee area of Safaa and Marwah part of Musjid-ul-Haraam? If it is not part of the musjid, then can a woman in the state of haidh perform sa’ee?
Q: If a female has completed her tawaaf of umrah, and before making sa’ee, she enters into the state of haidh, then how will she complete her sa’ee? Is it permissible for her to perform sa’ee in the state of haidh?