
Interacting with a murtad

Q: I have a relative that turned to Christianity. He therefore is a murtad for more than 30 years and I refuse to associate with him. Some family members however associate with him as per normal. I even saw him recently in a masjid for his mother's janaaza taking part in the salaah.

I would appreciate if you can advise as everyone thinks I'm at fault as I must greet and interact with him to show him the beauty of Islam although he is a born Muslim. We tried in the beginning but he regrettably still practices Christianity.

Intention for joining the military was to serve one's religion

Q: I am an ex-military pilot. I was forced to leave the military by some high-ranking officials due to their ego. I never imagined my life away from jihad. I dreamt of getting martyred in the battlefield.

Please tell me how this will be compensated and what reward will there be for me on the Day of Judgement for my nine years of jihad. Will I be counted as a Ghazi or Shaheed, or none? Remember, my pure intention was to serve my religion and nothing else.

This setback has left me in complete depression and stress.