
Good actions of a woman who travels without a mahram being affected

Q: There is a hadith about women travelling, Abu Hurairah (radhiyallahu anhu) reported: The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, 

"It is not permissible for a woman who believes in Allah and the last day to make a journey of one day and night unless she is accompanied by a mahram (husband or male relative whom she is prohibited to marry)." (Al Bukhari and Muslim) 

According to the hadith, if a woman travels alone will her prayers not be accepted?

Missing salaah due to shopping

Q: If a woman is out with her family to a hotel to eat and went to a mall to enjoy some time... So what must she  do if salah time is due? She prayed asr at home and went outand now it's maghrib time and she can't pray because there is no women's prayer room in the malls or hotels... So what must she do in this situation?

If she does jama' salah in her home, like praying 4 rakah of asr and then 3 rakah of maghrib in the same time because she won't get a place to pray maghrib, is this correct?

Surahs and du'aas in salaah with illustrations of the postures printed on a musalla for non-Muslims to perform salaah on

Q: Can these musallas be used for new Muslims so they can read the correct du'aas and surahs in salaah? 

It's basically a 1.5 metre piece of leather/strong plastic, and printed on it are; Surah Faatiha and two other surahs plus all the du'aas in salaah with an illustration of the posture they're to be recited in. 

The idea is for the new Muslim to pray their salaah on this mat, reading from it and following the illustrations as they pray their salaah. This mat goes directly on the ground and the person is standing on it.