Correct Arabic spelling of the name Rumaysaa
Q: I want to know which one is the correct name among these
1. رُوميصا
2. رُوميسا
3. رُوميشا
Q: I want to know which one is the correct name among these
1. رُوميصا
2. رُوميسا
3. رُوميشا
Q: Can I name my child after Hazrat Zul-Kifl (alaihis salaam), but only Kifl? Muhammad Kifl. Is it okay to remove the "Zul" before Kifl Islamically?
Also, is the name okay to have? I mean, is there any bad connotation associated with it, considering how that Shaiytaan specifically targeted him, messing with him to break his spirit?
Q: I wanted some information regarding naming my son Uthmaan after the Sahabah Uthmaan bin Affan (radhiyallahu anhu). We have heard a lot of good about this Sahaabi but wanted Mufti Saheb to share some information regarding him which is authentic as well as if you can send information regarding the meaning of Uthmaan.
I also wanted to know, does the meaning affect the child or if the child is named after someone will that affect the child?
Q: I gave my child's name Shariq. Is there any problem with this name?
Q: If a child is named Abdullah and if he is then called Abballah by someone, is this not changing the meaning of the name to something that is incorrect? As the Arabic word ‘Abd’ means servant but the Arabic word ‘Abb’ is translated to mean father.
Q: Can I name my baby girl Fajar?
Q: I would like to find out the significance of keeping the name Marwah for a baby girl.
Q: I have been blessed with a baby boy. I want to name the baby Ibrahim Muhammad instead of Muhammad Ibrahim. Is it okay to name my son like this?
Q: Can you name your child angel names?
Q: Can a woman take her husband's surname after marriage or does she have to keep her father's surname?
Similarly, does a child have to adopt the father's first name and / or surname or is it possible to give it any other name?