
Listening to the lectures of Sheikh Imran Hosein

Q: I have recently seen some of the YouTube videos of Sheikh Imran Hosein from Trinidad. However, I have some doubts and reservations regarding some of the things which he has mentioned in his lectures on YouTube. 

I have also read some of his Islamic books and articles, and find that he is promoting certain beliefs which are in contrast to the beliefs that we have learnt in madrasah. Among the beliefs which he subscribes to and promotes are the following two beliefs: 

1. He claims that Nabi Isa (‘alaihis salaam) had been crucified, and thereafter, Allah Ta’ala gave him life. 

2. He claims that the manner in which a certain verse is recited today is incorrect and is not part of the actual Qur’aan that was revealed by Allah Ta’ala upon Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Rather, the people who came after Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) made a change to that word of the Qur’aan Majeed. He says that the verse “وَاِنّه لَعِلْمٌ لِّلسَّاعة” can only be read as وَاِنّه لَعَلَمٌ لِّلسَّاعة and it is incorrect to read it as وَاِنّه لَعِلْمٌ لِّلسَّاعة

Can Mufti Saheb please explain whether this person’s beliefs are acceptable or whether they go against the correct beliefs of Islam and will render one out of the fold of Islam for subscribing to them? 

I have also heard that Sheikh Imran Hosein is coming to South Africa soon. Will it be permissible for people to attend his lectures?