
Calculating zakaat on a rate that is more beneficial for the poor

Q: We are having an economic meltdown in our country. Due to lack of forex reserves, there is a vast difference between the dollar in the bank and the dollar on the black market. Due to scarcity, majority of the people are dealing with the black market rate which is very high in comparison to the bank rate. The bank also sometimes charges a premium that brings it close to the black market rate. The whole economy is running on the dollar and things change according to the rate. 

The issue comes about when calculating zakaat and other financials. Some Ulamaa have taken what they call a middle rate to benefit the masses. Others are taking the bank rates. Yet still some are of the opinion that the black rate should be taken into consideration because everyone is using it. What should be done in this case? What rate should we use? Your advice will be greatly appreciated.

Using zakaat money to pay an employee for his employment service

Q: The Botswana Muslim Association zakaat committee is currently in the process of restructuring its operations for enhanced transparency, security, and accountability. 

At present, one of our full-time imaams is solely responsible for all aspects of the zakaat operations. To improve our processes, we would like to employ a full-time finance officer to handle fund management, accounting, and financial reporting, as well as an additional aalim to assist with needs assessments, verification of zakaat applications, and conducting home visits. 

We seek guidance on whether it would be permissible to allocate a portion of the zakaat funds collected to cover the remuneration for these roles, given that they would directly contribute to the effective and responsible administration of zakaat distribution.

Zakaat on debts

Q: I borrowed some money from my mother to buy a car. We used that money to pay for the car and I will be paying her back every month. Will zakaat have to be paid on that amount if it is already used in buying the car? 

Sadaqah of a murtad

Q: I wanted to enquire if Iman (faith) is a necessary condition for purification of wealth (giving in charity, to purify one's wealth, without expectation of reward)? 

If a person does not identify as Muslim anymore, and has apostatized, and does not believe in the religion (does not believe Islam is from God but instead that it is man-made), but still believes in the financial aspects of Islam (eg: giving in charity and purifying any ill-wealth), would his purification of wealth be considered valid (as he is not a Muslim)? 

Would he need to repeat this purification of wealth (whatever sums of money he gave in charity with the intention of purifying his wealth) if he does tawbah and returns to Islam?