Is discharge from a female's private part paak?

Q: Is the discharge of different colours from a female private part paak as mentioned in the Fatwa of Deoband?

Does the wudhu remain intact and clothes remain paak if the discharge is on the clothing?

س:نماز کا وقت ختم ہونے پر عورت نے اپنا فرج دیکھا کہ وضو ہے کہ نہیں ہے، کچھ نہیں تھا، فرج کی رطوبت تھی، تو اس نے مغرب کی نماز پڑھ لی تو سوال یہ ہے کہ اگر فرج سے کچھ نکلا نہ ہو ، لیکن فرج ویسے ہی تھامطلب وضو کے بعد خشک نہیں کیا تو کیاوضو باقی ہے یا ٹوٹ گیا ؟ جزاک اللہ

Published on: Nov 28, 2018

جواب # 167213

س:بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fatwa : 249-207/D=3/1440

س:جب وضو کے بعد عورت کے فرج سے کوئی چیز نہیں نکلی ہے تو اس کا وضو اپنی حالت پر باقی ہے، اس لئے کہ فرج کی رطوبت پاک ہے۔ أن رطوبة الفرج طاہرة عندہ قال الشامی تحتہ: نعم یدل علی الاتفاق کونہ لہ حکم خارج البدن، فرطوبتہ کرطوبة الفم و الأنف والعرق الخارج من البدن (شامی: ۱/۳۰۵، ۳۰۶، ط: زکریا دیوبند) ۔ واللہ تعالیٰ اعلم دارالافتاء، دارالعلوم دیوبند

Buying out the share of another heir

Q: My understanding is that at the time of death, any assets left behind by the deceased, e.g. a house, now belong to the heirs even though its not yet transfered onto their names from a legal perspective according to the country laws.

1. If they decide to sell the house or if one of the heirs wants to buy out the other heirs then would the wasiyat be paid on the money received from the sale of the house as well as money the deceased left behind or only on the money the deceased left behind.

2. Will the heir that buys out the other heirs still be entitled to their share.

Wife refusing to sleep with husband when he is drunk

Q: I am a revert to Islam for the past five years now so my knowledge is limited. I would just like to know if it is haram or anything the like for a wife to not sleep with her husband in the same bed since he stays out of the house over weekends and doesn't come home. I don't know what he does and who he might be with when he does not come home. Am I transgressing by not sleeping with him?

He also drinks alcohol and does not make salah sometimes. He tells me that it is haram for me to refuse to sleep in the same bed with him. I am very confused and very heart broken.

Not obeying one's parents in matters that go against Shariah

Q: I have alhamdulillah started doing shar'ee purda by covering my face, hands, feet etc. I have stopped talking to all ghair mahrams e.g, my classmates. But unfortunately my parents are not happy with this. They compel and force me to come infront of ghair mahrams like our servants and khalu, etc. I dont want to do this even at the cost of my life.

1.What should I do?

2.Is this be pardagi permissible in anyway?