Reciting Kalimah Tayyibah and conveying the reward to the deceased
Q: Can you tell me good zikr for my forefathers and for my parents, something I can do in this world so they may get good place in the Aakhirah.
Q: Can you tell me good zikr for my forefathers and for my parents, something I can do in this world so they may get good place in the Aakhirah.
Q: I was married and sometime ago I have done a 2nd nikkah to another lady while my 1st wife was still in my nikkah. Before the 2nd nikkah my 1st wife took an oath on Quran from both of us, me and my 2nd wife that we will not have any sexual relation until she allows us. Now it is almost 1 year that has passed but she is still not willing to allow us. Is there anyway we can get rid of this oath? Please help us as we both husband and wife are too scared to break our oath which was done on Quraan.
Q: I have got a mobile for myself and my wife on credit. Unfortunately I didnt do timely payments and also paid some interest on it. I know its a major sin but I just wanted to ask that the usage of the mobiles which I bought for myself and my wife is haram or halal?
Q: Is it true that when Hazrat Isa (alaihis salaam) will fight with Dajjal and his force, modern technology will not be available and swords, daggers and knives will be used?
Q: If I say "we are done" or "its over" does that count as talaaq? I got upset and said it.
Also, I stayed away from her and didn't see her unless she started to wear hijab, is that permissible?
Q: My late father had a piece of land in his name. My father had no will. According to my sister-in-law my late brother gave his share of the land to her verbally, one month before his demise. My late brother was sick, he had cancer of the blood and passed away within six months. The vacant land is not in our possession and is in my father’s name till date. I requested a copy of his will and witness to confirm the above claim and I was not successful. Please advise if my late brother can give his share not in his possession. Please advise the executors and administrators as to how my late brothers share of this land must be distributed (one wife and one brother). Your assistance will be appreciated.
Q: Can a wife leave her husband since she cannot cope/bear her husband who has a second wife? Is it any sin on her?
Q: Please advise if the rewards and loyalty points earned at woolworths, pick n pay and other stores permissible to use.
Q: I always have behaved badly with my mother. It is from my childhood. Now I know it is a grave sin but after doing tawba so many times I cannot change myself. I always have negative thoughts about her instead of her favours to me. I always think about the bad side about her and disrespect comes in my mind for her. I have tried but cannot get rid of it. I know she has many faults in her for which I disrespect her in my mind but this is a grave sin. How do I get rid of these thoughts and treat her with utmost respect?
Q: I am having doubts about shirk on the martial art called wing chun. The first syllabus of wing chun is called siu lim tao. They also called "thrice prayer to buddha". The first syllabus is similar to Buddhism prayer.. I am practicing only for fighting purposes. I am not thinking about the Buddhist spiritual moves.. Will it come under shirk?