Making zikr in the state of haidh
Q: I had a question that what is the ruling on doing zikr in the state of menstruation?
Q: I had a question that what is the ruling on doing zikr in the state of menstruation?
Q: Foreign countries offer cremation and sacking of the misscarried fetus. My aunt was 5 weeks pregnant and miscarried and not well at that time chose cremation for the fetus. Is that right or not. If not what can be done to make up for it.
Q: Is keeping mustache permissible in Islam?
Q: Is sajda-e-sahw for farz, Wajib and sunnat muakkada salah only or do you have to do it if you make a mistake in nafil salah as well?
Q: I broke an oath which meant that I had to fast for three days. Im a Hanafi and unfortunately I accidently didn't fast consecutively for three days. Does that mean I have to repeat the fasts again?
Q: I was reading an answer you gave to a lady that asked a question about what is the correct way to spend your day. I felt deeply disappointed with your answer.
How could any female stay at home and cook, clean and look after their children all day everyday? Do you not think that would make her feel depressed and her self esteem would suffer because she is worthless now? That is oppression!
Q: Is it permissible to run a shop selling paan and cigarates?
Q: Can you please tell me when a baby is born, can you give the Azaan from a recorded video or a live video call or does it have to be in person?
Q: I have an elderly relative, who is unmarried, and whose closest family is her niece and nephew, and their children. These are her niece and nephew from her deceased sister. Beyond that she has cousins, and more distant relatives only.
She has asked me to get her an Islamic will, and advise her as to how the estate should be administered. I think she has the intention of leaving everything (or most of it) to her niece, who is struggling financially. Would this be permissible?
1. A woman has a discharge problem all the time. Sometimes the discharge is clear and at times it is a yellow colour. If she has her haidh for 7 days i.e. blood and brown discharge and after the 7th day she starts her normal discharge i.e. clear for a little while and then yellow then will this yellow discharge be haidh?
2. Should she wait for ten to pass and then take a ghusl ?