Repenting for any sin

Q: Can we as Muslims repent for even the most heinous sins? I mean anything!!! Any serious sin can be forgiven through true repentance? The word any is important here, it covers any/all/every sin a human being can commit!!! Or is there any limitations to Allah's mercy!

Brother doesn't want to get married

Q: Few days back my brother who is engaged had hijama done, at first only water oozed out and then slowly the dirty blood, the doctor said he had effects of jadoo as there was not much blood in his body and he lay cold and sweating after hijama. Moreover he used to pray very rarely before the hijama but now he is praying regulary alhamdulillah. But now he is against getting married. Please advice as to what we should do.

Wazifa for Insomnia

Q: I have a sleeping problem. I cant sleep all night. I took sleeping pills but due to this now I have sleep paralaysis which means that I cant move my body or not even open my eyes for 5 minutes. Please give me any dua for sleep disorder and sleep apnea. 

Distributing inheritance

Q: I have a moral dilemma which I need some help and guidance with. My husband passed away a few months ago and we are in the process of distributing the inheritance within the heirs. I have a son and a daughter and his both parents are alive. There are two sums of money. One was given by the office to me and I want to distribute it among ourselves according to shariah. This was totally my husbands money. The other is our savings in which we both contributed but were in his name. My contribution included the money I got from my father as well as the savings I did when I was working. My question is do I deduct my portion from our savings before distributing it according to shariah? Or since it was no longer in my name I cannot claim it and all of the savings will be divided. One problem is that the matter is being settled by court in the form of succession certificate where it is expected that the court will keep the children's inheritance for safekeeping until they are 18. That means I will have access to only the amount that the court will give to me i.e. 1/8th. Kindly advise what should I do.

Imagining Allah Ta'ala

Q: I know that Allah is noor/made of noor but it is not like the ordinary light. So I used to imagine a bright light that maybe we will see Allah like this. It was a 'what if' question. But then I forgot about it. I neither accepted nor rejected, is that kufr?

Moreover we studied at school that everything is created from the noor of Allah. Is that kufr too? Do I need to restate my shahadat? Because I probably thought that there is a possibility that he looks like this. Now I know that whatever we imagine him to be like, he is not like that. If these are not kufr, please tell in what circumstances would these assumptions turn into kufr.

Breaking an oath

Q: When I was in grade 7, around the age of 13, I'm not sure whether I was baligh then, but our school went in a camp tour and at the camp some of the boys including me were swearing when we were talking. The camp instructors heard us swearing and reported us to the teachers who then threatened to report us to our parents. Me being young and terrified I said to my non Muslim teacher out of fear of my situation 'Kassam I won't swear again'. Does this count as an oath? Also when I was in grade 8 I felt ashame of an act that I committed so I said while making dua, "Forgive me for committing that act,  kassam I won't commit that act again" I haven't sworn or think I've used a swear word since and I've committed the second act about 10 times in the last 5 years.  

I want to know if this counts as a breaking an oath and what do I have to do to get forgiven? And do these oaths even count because I'm pretty sure I wasn't baligh for the first 'oath', and the second one I made when I was baligh while making dua I said those words ' kassam I won't do it again' Does the oath count?