Using monitors in a masjid to show presentations
Q: Recently there has been a trend of using monitors in masjids to show presentations and sometimes even videos. Even without videos or pictures isn’t this something very disliked?
Q: Recently there has been a trend of using monitors in masjids to show presentations and sometimes even videos. Even without videos or pictures isn’t this something very disliked?
Q: Can interest money be used to pay TV license?
I have a TV that we do not use anymore, however since it is a process to sell a TV screen, I still have to pay the license. Is it permissible to pay using interest.
Can interest be given in charity? Obviously not as Lilla or sadaqa.
Q: I have a furniture trading and manufacturing business. I want to take investment to grow my business. I am offering my prospects 30% to 36% (variable) early profit on their investment if they invest for a minimum 1 year.
Incase of any loss they will have to bear the loss as well. Is this shariah compliant and halaal?
Q: Please advise if it is permissible to use a verse of the Quran as a school/madrasah 'anthem'.
واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا و لا تفرقوا
With a brief meaning: Hold on to the rope of Quran and Sunnah as taught to us by our righteous Ulama.
Q: I live with my grandparents and they have a shop which sell mostly biscuits & they also sell cigarattes! (According to some sholars in my country cigrattes are makrooh, while I have heard some Arab scholars say its haraam).
I want to be on the safe side so, as I live in their house my concern is I use electricity/internet to learn as I learn online! Will my online earning be halal if I pay them later on for electricity/internet I use?
Q: Did all Prophets and Messengers (alaihimus salaam) without exception receive wahi?
Q: Khalid's wife went home for a long time. Zaid asked Khalid on WhatsApp whether he divorced his wife. Khalid said 'yes'. Meanwhile Khalid had not divorced his wife. They were just staying apart for some time. Does this 'yes' in reply to Zaid's question make it a divorce?
Q: Whilst making wudu, if a person's wudu breaks by passing wind or vomiting etc., does he have to start the wudu from the beginning again or must he continue from the limb he was washing?
Q: Is it a bid’ah to fold the hands in the first part of the khutbah and then put them on the knees on the second part of the khutbah?
Q: I live in Durban and Insha Allah will be going for Umrah the next day from Johannesburg. I will be flying from Durban to Johannesburg. If I am making Zohr Salaat at the Durban airport before catching the flight, do I read the full salaat or am I going to make qasr salaat?