Foregoing one's place in the first saff for a senior

Q: It has been observed in madaaris, khanqaas, marakis and masaajid in general that students, mureeds, mamoors and general musallies at the time of iqaamat forego their place of the front saff by stepping backward into the second saff to give preference to the ustaad, shaikh, ameer or another Muslim in general, to take their place in the front saff. At times these individuals are in the saff well before hand. On the other hand the one given preference comes much later or even a short while before salaah. Can Mufti Sahib please explain if it is correct to do this? Can one forgo one's reward for another? Please shed any other information you have on this subject.

Reverting to one's old habit of haidh

Q: I am writing as I am very confused regarding my Haidh. Before giving birth, my Haidh lasted a week. I had my baby via C-section on 3rd Jan 2017. Bled for 40 days. After that, I considered it Istihaadhah and started reading Salaah. On 22 Feb 2017, I started bleeding again, this time like my normal Haidh. But because there was not a 15 day clean period in between, I continued Salaah. I stopped reading once the 15 days from Nifaas was up and then only considered it a period. The bleeding ended on 9 March 2017. On 19 March 2017, bleeding started. This time also exactly like my Haidh but because 15 days in between hasn't passed, I'm confused. Since the first period after Nifaas wasn't after 15 days of cleanliness, all future calculations are going off. Please advise as I know this is Haidh bleeding but have to continue Salaah each time. Jazaakallah.

Father in law touching daughter in law with lust

Q: My question is as follows: One lady had a bad incident which happened some years ago. Her father in law has touched her with bad intentions and kissed her on the forehead. She left from there and did not tell any one. She did not know that some thing wrong happened because they did not have any physical relation (intercourse). After few years some one told her that the marriage broke in Hanafi school. So please let me know what Hanafi fiqh says about ​this? What Shaafee, Maliki, Hanbali fiqh says about this mas'ala? Please reply as soon as possible? If the marriage is not broken in Shaafee school, can she change her hanafi aqeeda and start to follow Shafaee aqeeda?

Couple living separately

Q: My sister got married two weeks ago. Before marriage her father in law was good but now he is showing his true colours. My sister is working for the government. Please tell me a waifza to read for her so that her married life becomes easy. We only two sisters and our dad died last year. Her father in law was our dad's best friend but he is not good anymore. I'm in UK and I can't support my sister. She does as her father in law says but her in laws are still not happy. On the second day of the wedding, we came to know their reality but we wanted our sister to be in that home as her husband is very good. Please tell us a wazifa to read.

Declaring war with Allah Ta'ala by dealing in interest

Q: My older brother is the head of the household and he makes most of the financial decisions for me. A while ago he made me apply for a loan that I would have to pay interest on. Now that I know that paying interest is haram, I've tried hard to convince him to cancel the loan and even told him about valid Islamic sources to show that it is a grave sin. He simply said that we're in a tough situation and I need the loan to go to college so exceptions have to be made. And he went on to add, "These online muftis don't know the difficulties our family goes through to put bread on the table." I'm in a situation where I have no control in returning the loan before interest starts accruing on it since he has control over the bank account. I fear that my family will lash out at me and maybe even cut family ties from me for putting them through difficulties for my own beliefs since they don't follow Islam as closely as I do. I'm very scared of the consequences I will have to face for letting him force me into taking a loan in which I will pay riba on. Please let me know of any way to deal with this sin that I see no way of avoiding. I would even pay 10 times the amount in sadaqa as I took in the loan (later on in my life) if I have to.

Husband having an affair with his wife's niece

Q: My husband, 36, has been having an affair with my niece, 20, for the past few years. Everytime I confronted him he denied it and twists it around like I'm crazy and insecure. However yesterday I caught them redhanded in each others arms kissing, etc. What is the position of my nikah with him? We have 2 sons aged 16 & 14 and a daughter 11. My concern is custody of my children, should I choose to divorce. Please advice me of the way forward.

Eating at haraam outlets

Q: I study in China and I have a lot of difficulties in eating food and deciding between Halal and Haraam. I want to ask you to please clarify me somethings.

1. Can we eat chicken or beef at International Brands like KFC, McDonalds etc.? 

2. Are the flavored crisps like Lays BBQ flavor halal or haraam? Please help me in this regard.