Q: I am a new convert. I have a question about the kalimas. Some say six and some say five. I am confused as to what is the right answer.
Q: I am a new convert. I have a question about the kalimas. Some say six and some say five. I am confused as to what is the right answer.
Q: At the moment I am married, no kids and both parents alive alhumdulillah. If I had one child would my entire estate go directly to him/her? What portion goes to my wife. I don't think my sister is allowed in the will, but I am close to her. Is it possible to say my sister wont get s share but allowed to stay at my house for say 10 years. Although if my parents died in that time and never got the share of the house due to my sister residing their, would I be punished for that?
Q: Are muslims allowed to visit the place Madaain Saaleh in Saudi Arabia?
Q: Is celebrating national day permissible in Islam? If it is not permissible then why is there a holiday in Saudi Arabia on national day?
Q: I got kids from my previous husband. Am I sinning by letting my kids see their father I got no contact with my ex at all but my husband fights and says I'm sinning for doing that.
1. After ghusl, I noticed some small dirt on my feet but I'm not sure it came after ghusl or before. Is my ghusal valid?
2. I repeated the ghusal but I accidentally left out a very small (thread size) dead skin which if I observed it came close to a very small part of living skin. I poured water on top of it without scrubbing and I'm not sure if water will go to the closed parts of the skin. I realised this after praying and I didn't know that I just need to wash only the dead skin to complete my ghusl. So one day after, I completed the ghusl by washing the dead skin area. Was my ghusal valid even I washed it after a day?
Q: I just want to ask if after adhan of dhuhr there is four rakats of sunnatul muakadah right? Then the others are dividing it into two salams and on the other hand some are performing it like they are performing a salah, they pray sunnatul muakadah with only 1 salam. I follow Abu Hanifa.
Q: I have come to know about this company efsol.com.au they provide halal home loans. I'm sending you a link of their sample contract. They have information on their website too. Please help me. I have got pre-approval from the company for a loan. I'm waiting for your approavl. May Allah guide us the right path. Jazakallah Sample contract: https://m.box.com/shared_item/https%3A%2F%2Fapp.box.com%2Fs%2Fx5jppkdwp…
Q: We are an Islamic school in India. We offer Dhuhr salaat in our campus in congregation. Our school plans to start Juma Salaat in the school taking safety and security into consideration so that the students need not go out to the mosque for Namaaz. The nearest mosque is around 200 metres from our school. Can we offer Juma Salaat at our school with proper Khutbah of a Imaam?
Q: When building a house, what is the ruling on positioning of toilets and the beds. I am aware that both should not be in qibla direction.
1. Is this from the back and front?
2. Do you need to be slightly off qibla direction or completely in the opposite.