The Sunnah method of Istikhara

Q: I want to know that is there any other way of doing istikhara (accurate and fast). Someone told my mum that take a bowl with water and write the decision on the paper and let it float on the water and the direction will determine the answer. But I am not sure and forgot the way. So please guide me in the light of Islam.

Sunnah method of making istikhara

Q: I have received a proposal and read Istikhara for which I received a positive reply. On Saturday a lady came to my house who "sees" and asked if she could "see" for me. I thought it was like going to a Moulana where they check to see if any nazar or jaadu is troubling you. She told me a lot of things about my future. She also said that my Istikhara even though it was positive, if I married the man it would be the biggest mistake of my life. She is a Muslim and made me read durood sharif and blow in a glass of water before taking the glass and "seeing". I have always been under the impression that Istikhara is guidance from Allah and that only Allah can know what our future holds. I am very confused. Please advise if what this woman does is accepted in Islam? Is my Istikhara still valid. Would it be best to get an Aalim to read istikhara on my behalf? I am very confused.

Haraam contact

Q: I am in great trouble and I want an Islamic solution. My colleague huged me and kissed me on my face. I couldn't stop him doing this because I was confused. At that time I didn't know what to do, that is why I let him kiss upto the limit of the face. I was wearing an abbaya and veil. I know its a sin being close with a non mahram. I want the islamic solution before I am punished for it from Allah Ta'ala.

Hadith question

Q: I read the following hadith from Abu Dawud: "A’ishah (Radiyallahu Anha) said “In what was sent down in the Qu’ran ten suckling’s made marriage unlawful, but they were abrogated by five known ones and when the Prophet (ﷺ) passed away, these words were among what was recited in the Qur’an.” If somebody agrees with Aisha's (Radiyallahu Anha's) opinion today and claims that the part about five sucklings should really be part of the Quran, will such a person become a kafir? Or is it a valid difference of opinion since a great sahabiah such as Aisha (Radiyallahu Anha) held this opinion?

Working in an accounting firm

Q: A person works in an accounting firm in USA where his main job is to do book keeping and monthly sales tax returns. He also does personal income tax and business income tax yearly. A situation arises where his boss ask him to fill out a client's previous three years business income tax based off estimation. The revenue will be reported accurately, however expenses will all be estimated to show a loss for the past three years. Is this permissible to do or no? Secondly, is it permissible to intentionally exaggerate expenses to reduce the amount of tax that will be paid to the government? Lastly, will it be permissible to estimate certain income and expense figures that are not available? Pertaining to the last question, even the best accounting system does require some level of estimation. First question is regarding the permissibility of the action. Second is that if this is 20% of his job, is his income halaal?  Some level of detail will be greatly appreciated. JazakAllah for your answer.