The name "Amayah"
Q: We are deciding on our baby girls name and we were thinking of the name Amayah. Please advise on your thoughts or if theres a name similar with a good meaning?
Q: We are deciding on our baby girls name and we were thinking of the name Amayah. Please advise on your thoughts or if theres a name similar with a good meaning?
Q: While watching romantic scenes of movies some fluids comes out from my private part and I think it gets transferred to my clothes and bed sheets also. How should I wash these clothes to make it paak? If I cannot trace where in the bedsheet the fluid got transferred then what should I do? Do I have to wash the whole bed sheet or should I leave it? If the fluid gets dried and after sometime I sit on the bed sheet with my wet clothes, will my clothes get napaak?
Q: What should a female do if her period starts during the Hajj or after leaving her country and on the way to Hajj?
Q: Mein ne khwab mein dekha keh mein rastay pay ja raha ho thora hi chala ta keh ek nehar aya aur nehar 6 ya 7 meter ka ta to mein ne chalang (Jump) mara aur mein ne nehar cross kia aur nehar ke dosray tarah chala gaya. Please agar ais ki koi tabeer hain to zaror bataye ga. Mere liye dua bhi kijeye ga mein kafi pareshanio se guzar raha ho.
Q: I am a single parent and have two kids a boy and a girl. Both of them are very disobedient. They keep on fighting for little things. Everybody gets irritated of them... both have violent and destructive natures. They do not tolerate each other at all. In short both are mannerless and don't want to understand anything. I have made them understand politely and harshly in both manners. The result is the same. In short they let me down in front of everyone due to their violent speech and behaviour. Kindly help me and guide me!
Q: I want to ask that what does it means to see an old woman in a dream? Does it means something bad?
Q: I saw a dream that I am in Pakistan and in a field some boys were playing and I was looking at them. Suddenly my 10 month old baby boy ran towards those boys. I also ran behind him. A boy shouted please control your baby because there is a little bull here that will harm him. I took my baby and that boy stop that bull by holding his head. When we reached in the middle of the field, two piglets ran and went to hit my baby but we escaped. Can you give me the ta'beer because I am worried.
Q: I would like to ask a question regarding Fasting (Sawm) and taking a sublingual tablets to quit drugs. The question is as follows:
May I fast if I take a sublingual tablet in the morning after suhur? The sublingual tablets name is Subutex 2mg it reduces cravings for opium
users. I would really like to fast. I would just like to know if is permissible for me for I only need to take this tablet for 7 consecutive days.
Q: A father does not take his son for Taraweeh Salaah despite the son requesting for it. The father lacks a valid excuse. The son is of baligh age. It would anger the father if the son makes arrangements with someone else in order to take him - even if it is the mother to take him.