Living safr distance from one's parents


  1. Did the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) or any khalif choose any wife from beyond the territorial distance of a musafir?
  2. If so, is it the practice of our Prophet (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) or any khalif , to accompany his wife on holidays to visit his inlaws?
  3. Also did any khalif live beyond the Musafir range away from his parents?

Your answers and references are highly appreciated

Janaazah related Hadith questions


  1. If the mahram of the mayyit is in the condition of janabat, what should they do in this case, because approaching the mayyit is not permissible?
  2. The hadith on dying in the month of Ramadan, mufti sahib mentioned, is it the word of Nabi Kareem (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)?
  3. Covering the janazah of a woman. Some books mention a riwayat of Fatima (Radiyallahu Anha) gaving instructions to cover her janaza. Can it be located from the books of hadith?
  4. In fatawa raheemiah (vol 7, pg 48) it is mention a hadith from bada’i us sanai that the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said to Umar (Radiyallahu Anahu) janazah salaah is not repeated. Can it be located from the books of hadith?
  5. It is mentioned in a hadith : “The living cannot be guaranteed safety from fitnah (trials and tribulations) …” (Imdadul Fatawa, vol 5, pg 302). Can it be located from the books of hadith? 

Please give me the references from the books of hadith.

Some Hadith questions pertaining to Janaazah


  1. A Hadith of reciting “minha khalaqnakum..” while throwing sand in the qabr is mentioned in mirqat vol 4 pg 189, please tell me how authentic it is?
  2. The Hadith of Abu Hurayrah (Radiyallahu Anhu) mentioned in Muwatta Imam Malik (RA) about the way we hanafis perform janaza salaah (without surah fatihah), has any of the muhadditheen and fuqaha proved its authenticity?

Please give me the references from the books of hadith.