Guidelines for a Muslim abattoir


  1. What are the Shar'iee conditions in order for the slaughter to be valid in Shari'ah?
  2. Are machine cut chickens Halaal in Shari'ah? If Halaal, what are the Shar'iee laws governing this mas'ala? Similarly explain that if the machine slaughters many chickens at one time, what is the shar’ee ruling regarding the meat?
  3. I wish to inquire about the scalding process at the chicken factories. The slaughtered chickens are immersed (whilst still bleeding with the intestines, impurities etc.) into a hot water tank for softening the feathers etc. This water is filthy and some of the impurities are possibly absorbed into the flesh. Approximately 500 to 700 birds at a time could be in this hot water at
    any point in time, where it remains for approximately 5 minutes. How does this process affect the status of the meat? Does the meat remain halaal or does it become makrooh or haraam for Muslim consumption?
  4. We are in the process of opening an abattoir in our area to provide halaal meat and facilitate the needs and requirements of the Muslim community. We would be grateful if you could guide us in this regard.  If there are any other issues in relation to the masaail of slaughter, apart from the above mentioned three questions, we would be appreciative if you could also apprise us regarding it?

Bank service charge

Q: I have a bank account. The monthly service fee is R169. There is an option, if a balance of R10 000  is maintained for everyday of the month they will give me a rebate in return depending on the balance. e.g. If the balance is R40 000,the rebate is R65. Will it be permissible to take this option? I am asking because I see it as a way of paying less bank charges.

Written talaaq

Q: My husband gave me three talaaqs. He did not tell me he divorces me, however his brother gave me a paper saying divorce between so and so.(Husband and wifes name) 

  1. talaaq
  2. talaaq
  3. talaaq

My husband and I had a intercourse a week later. Is our talaaq valid as we did this during our waiting period. My husband also says that he was angry and his brother convinced him to do talaaq he did not want to and now wants me back. We have two small kids together and it wasnt his intention or he did not want to part from us. Please advise if our talaaq was valid?

National Savings and Investments Premium Bonds in the UK

Q: In the U.K., the Government runs the National Savings and Investments Premium Bonds and encourages citizens to purchase Premium Bonds. Instead of paying interest, monthly prize draws are held and cash prizes can be won. The scheme is backed by HM Treasury and one can be confident that all the money invested in Premium Bonds is 100% secure whether or not one wins a prize.  One can cash the Bonds at any time at get the money invested back. I would like to know whether it is permissible to purchase these Premium Bonds and can any cash prizes won be deemed halaal?