
Q: Concerning "the pen has been lifted and the ink has dried", what is this referring to? i.e. What aspects of destiny? I was of the opinion that dua can change destiny, but how does dua changing destiny fit into the qouted hadith?

I guess what i'm asking is:

  1. What exactly has been written in ink? i.e. Is every action of every insaan written down?
  2. Can dua change any of what has been written in ink?
  3. If I make dua to change my destiny, is me making this dua written down? If so then is it not true that my dua hasnt really changed anything as it was already written that I would do this and my destiny would change? I just can't quite get my head around this, any light shed on the matter would be appreciated.

Inviting customers to my site using the info available on other websites

Q: I am launching a new online website.Insha Allah. There are a few websites that offer a very similar service. I subscribe to these competitor websites. Their clients have items listed for sale on the site and the clients details are available, can I use these contact details to invite their customers to join my site. Is this permissible?

Being attached to another person

Q: I would like to know if there is any guidelines, positives, negatives etc. in the shariah with regard to attachment to another person. In certain relationships attachment will be permissible eg.husband - wife, teacher - student mother - child etc but is there any limit? If a person is over attached to someone what advise would you give them to overcome this? How can one one gauge if their attachment to a person is negative/positive?

I store my kitaabs in the following order. Is it correct?

Q: Below are the Kitaabs that I make common use of. The list below is in the order in which I store them - one on top of the other.

Mufti Saheb, please advise if the order is fine owing to their respective importance.

From top to bottom:

  1. Surah Ya-Sin Kitaab.
  2. First five para’s of the Qur’an Shareef.
  3. “Essential Duas In The Life Of A Muslim.”
  4. “Duas for the contentment of the heart.”
  5. “Taleemul Haq”