Zikr in a gathering

Q: I have a question regarding Halqah Thikr and loud congregational thikr. Recently I have heard reports from many Ulama that this action is not an ibadah but a bid'ah. They cite the incident of Abdullah ibn Masud (RadhiAllahu Anhu) and the dhikr majlis (which I'm sure Mufti Saheb is familiar with) as proof for their claim. Is this claim true? That the Halqah Thikr is a bid'ah.

Informing the customer about a defect in the product

Q: I sell 1m lengths of pipe at R80. I purchase these ready cut. I have a marking on my counter to measure 1m. Those who purchase don't specifically require 1m but purchase the metre as that's how it's sold. It is advertised as 1m. I noticed a pipe today that was marginally short. I therefore refunded R2 to the customer but did not inform him why. The pipe will still fulfill the function for which it was purchased. What is the ruling regarding this transaction?

Islamic view on women's education

Q: I would like to know all these restrictions that Taliban in Afghanistan are putting upon women prohibiting them to seek education and employment and curbing them to even speak in public, why are they doing this? 

Is there any basis in shariah law that prevents Muslim women to seek education and work even in a segregated setting where there is no free mixing with non mahram men?

Following an imaam who makes masah over cotton socks

Q: I have a situation where in my work place in Saudi Arabia (far from any musjid in construction site), the person that often is imaam of the small musallah we perform zohr and asr salah, makes masah over his normal cotton socks when he makes wudu. 

I read salah for few months behind him and only found out about this recently. 

He confirmed that some scholars in Saudi passed a fatwa that its permissible. It would seem that many of the general public here follow this fatwa. 

I do not want to argue and create fitnah based on the situation. I know the fatwa is that wudu is not valid if masah is made over normal cotton socks based on majority opinion. 

However, based on my situation/ the fact that I did not know or could not control the imaam, is my previous salah valid or should I repeat it? 

Also, going forward, what should I do: Can I read salah behind him, based on the fact that I cannot control the imaam - perhaps consider him a different madhhab/ different opinion with salah being valid Insha Allah or is salah invalid for sure in which case. Should I read salah behind him and repeat it or should I try to avoid and read on my own. This will result in me not being able to make salah in jamaat at work and possibly create division. (Also reading salah and repeating is a challenge especially asr based on limited time and people observing you).

Faskh of nikaah

Q: In shariah law there is a system called Faskh e Nikah which allows a woman who is abused in a marital relationship and has legitimate reasons to end the marriage can do so through a judicial decree without consent of her husband. 

I would like to know is this system proven from Quran, Sunnah and Hadith? 

Secondly, what are the legitimate reasons that will allow a Muslim woman to exercise her right to annul the marriage through this system ?