The Share of Each Partner in the Sale of a Property

Q: We are a few partners who bought a property. One partner gave R1 million and the others gave R5 million. Before selling the property, we told the partner who gave R1 million that we will give him R20 000 of the profit. Hence, we fixed the amount of profit to be given to him before selling the property. After selling the property, we gave him R20 000. Is this permissible?

How much sleep should a person get?

Q: We hear from scientists and doctors nowadays that adults need 6-9 hrs of sleep and teenagers need at least 9 and so on respectively. We also heard about great Ulama and still in the present time who only sleep a couple of hours.

My question is that does Islam have a stance on sleep and do you think we should follow this research?

Changing one's son's name

Q: My son was born on 29th July 2017 between 8:00AM and 8:45 AM. I named him Mir Mohammad Ashar. But recently a Mufti told me to change his name as the name Ashar has no meaning, it means counting in Arabic.

Now I want to change my son name to Mir Mohammad Ebrahim. It is ok and permissible in Islam to change the name and what is the procedure to change.

Wife working in one country and husband in another

Q: I got a job in the Maldives. So I moved to the Maldives with my husband and children. Now my husband got a job offer in the Gulf. He is willing to go probably in the next month or so. As per rules I need to complete 3 month notice period then only I can go back to my homeland. Is it allowed in Islam, if I stay abroad for 3 months without husband in the Maldives and then return.

Note: The children will be with me when my husband leaves and I have been staying in the Maldives for the last six months.