Marrying a chaste person after committing zina
Q: I am born a Muslim but I got distracted at some point in my life and commited adultery with my ex boyfriend. However I got married last year with a virgin man. I did not repent before getting married because I did not realize that it had to be done. I have been realising my mistakes lately and I cannot tell you how ashamed I am of my past. I repented to Allah several times after marriage.
Now I got to know that in the Quran it is mentioned that a fornicator cannot marry a pure man. I have also read that the scholars say that if a person repents, only then can they marry a pure man. As I have mentioned that I have repented from my heart and I still am repenting but it is after marriage.
Will my marriage still be valid? Or do I need to renew the marriage contract? My husband doesn’t know about my past. Please let me know what should I do now?