Seerat jalsahs in Rabiul Awwal
Q: Are seerat jalsahs in Rabi ul Awwal correct in Islam?
Q: Are seerat jalsahs in Rabi ul Awwal correct in Islam?
Q: A girl has an option of choosing University or Madrasah. Which one should she choose?
Q: Due to having colorectal cancer, my rectum and anus was removed and I have a permanent bag. However there is a procedure that I do everyday whereby I clean out my colon and then I am free of any najis for the next 24 hours. However I have no control of passing wind but I am aware when I do pass wind. Am I still classified as a mazoor?
Q: Are we supposed to celebrate 12th Rabiul Awwal?
Q: Is it appropriate for a husband to make full on conversations with other women in front of his wife? He asks other women about their personal lives, like their gym life and their husbands etc. Is it appropriate for the husband to randomly message girls on online games commenting on their pictures?
Q: If my mother forbids me but I almost convince my husband that I will do hijama, then is it permissible for me to do it? I don't live with my husband yet but soon we will be living together and I have an illness which can break our marriage and of course my mother doesn't know about this illness. And I have many other illnesses. So can I go without my mother's permission if my husband gives me permission?
If my husband again forbids me after getting convinced, can I go?
Q: I have a wetness problem. There is no feeling of discharging wetness nor does it flow on my leg or clothes. There is always little wetness by my private part, almost 90% of the time. Whenever I pray and after completing prayers I check and there is wetness. What is the ruling for me?
Do I have to check everytime and then make wuzu again and again? Do I need to break the salah if wetness is felt, it might be water as well since we do istinja before wuzu and offer namaz immediately. I dont break my salah, rather I complete my salah in this condition, am I doing something wrong? I am not sure whether I am a mazoor or not.
Q: There is a company called 3A Alliance. The comapny take's money from people for investing. They have a motorcycle company called Supreme. They take your money in advance which is RS,21 600. The total amount for the bike is RS,36 000 and they say that after 35 days we should come take the bike or sell it back to them. It means that they sell it to other wholeseller's across the city and once you have invested this Rs,21 600 amount they order a bike by your name every month and sell it to other's and give you some of the profit which is Rs,3500. It sometimes goes up and down every 2/3 month's
Is this halaal or haraam? The company also deals with other home appliannces like TV, refrigrators, water purifiers and they also say that if you don't like our company you can take whatever it is you have invested.
Q: If a Muslim says that marrying a nine years old girl is unnatural and immoral thing to do then has he/she committed blasphemy?
Q: I am living in Saudi Arabia and I am a Hanafi. Somebody told me that my prayers behind the Saudi Imams are void because of difference of wuzoo, because of their small beards (not one fist as required), because of the salaah timing, because they are shafi or hambali or wahabi. So they insist that I repeat all my 8 years of prayers. What is the fatwa?