Appointing someone with a short beard to perform jumuah salaah
Q: Can you appoint a person who has the latest style short cut beard much shorter than a fist length to make jumah.
Q: Can you appoint a person who has the latest style short cut beard much shorter than a fist length to make jumah.
Q: Can the Imaam make a juma khutbah and perform the salaah with his scarf covering his face so much so that only his nose is exposed. When he goes into ruku the scarf hangs down both sides onto the ground.
Q: A person want to put up a cell phone tower on a Darul Uloom property or on his own property, do you have to get permission from the neighbors from a Shari point of view? If the neighbors object what is the ruling?
Q: Is saying jazakAllah in Islam?
Q: If two people depart after meeting then saying salam is required or Allah Hafiz?
Q: Where in the Quraan is it mentioned that wudu breaks and impurity on the clothes invalidates prayer?
Q: Is saying 33 SubhanAllah, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 times Allahu Akbar after each prayer rewarding?
Q: There is a hadith that if one gets up from his sleep, he must not put his hands into a vessel before washing them because one doesn't know where his hands were when he was sleeping. So do my hands become impure after I get up from my sleep?
Q: If I prayed along with the imam and when he got up from ruku I got up along with him, I did not wait till he got up fully. Is my prayer valid?
Q: When doing masah in wudhu, should masah be done on the full head (no part should be left out) or part of the head?