Income of an accountant who does tax evasion

Q: I am an accountant and maintain double vouchers/books of accounts from the actual books for the purpose of reducing the taxes on sale income and also to increase the expenditure from the actual expenses to show that the company has less profit. I make double vouchers and books for tax purposes ordered by the company's owner. My question is, is my profession jaiz or not? Is the salary which I receive are halal or haram?

Authenticity of a Hadith on rainwater treatment

Q: I just want to verify the authenticity of a hadith on rainwater treatment:

Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that Jibareel (alaihis salaam) taught me a remedy that obviates the need for any medicine or physician.

Recite 70 times on rain water, Surah Faatiha, Surah Ikhlaas, Surah Falaq & Surah Naas.

Drink for seven days, morning and evening. Whoever drinks it Allah will eliminate all sicknesses and pain. Whoever gives it to a woman before sleeping with her, she will, by the permission of Allah, fall pregnant. It cures the eyes, eliminates sihr, toothache, urine stoppage, etc.

Income of an events manager

Q: Is it haram or halal to do events managing business. Event management activities on the request of the customer includes providing fancy decoration, catering, decorating stage, arranging DJ for music. Please also clarify which activity is permissible and which is not. The events include birthday parties, wedding ceremonies, bridal shower (party before wedding), baby shower (party before birth of baby).

Selling ladies clothing

Q: Is it permissible to buy and sell ladies clothes? Nowadays, the clothes are according to the latest trend and fashion in the market which is not in our control. The clothes include shirts and trousers which ladies wear nowadays. Is it halaal or haraam?