Attacking places of worship

Q: I am a reverted Muslim from Hinduism from India. One thing is confusing me, but I am not finding any suitable person to analyse the answer properly. So, I thought to ask online to know the answer from salafi scholars.

My question is regarding the attacking of non-muslim countries and other things. As per salafi explanation I have come to know that the ruler of the country either Muslim or non-muslim cannot be attacked as a citizen of that country. And also I heard that the common non-muslim people should not be attacked both at their worshipping temple and outside worshipping places.

So first question is - when the Muslim rulers attacked India and some of them destroyed temples of Hindu people, how much it is allowed according to Islam? I mean to say, does Islam allow to attack and destroy the worshipping places and idols of the non-muslims in public places? If it is so, then how it is logical to say that non-muslim govt. should be tolerated?

My second question is - if any non-muslim country is attacked, then slaves can be got from the fight. In this present situation of today's time, how much it is justified as muslim nation to attack any non-muslim nation, capture people and make them slaves? Is it necessary to make free people slaves? Actually this question I am asking, because Islam has not stopped slavery by the process of war. We know that slavery in Islam is not because of inspiring slavery, but to remove slavery from society fully from society in a gradual way. But sometimes I have faced this question that on the context of the present world, if any non-muslim country is attacked by any muslim country, then how much it will be justified to make the non-muslim educated captured people specially women as slaves?

My last question is, does islam permit a non-muslim to build his temple in public in any islamic country?

Flu vaccines

Q: My question is on the flu vaccination. Is it permissible for Muslims to have this vaccination, the flu jab or the nasal spray?

To my knowledge the both contain (porcine) pork gelatine which is haraam. But on the nhs it says religious group leaders such as Muslims say that the vaccine is acceptable. What is your opinion?

Breaking the qasam in an unconscious state

Q: What is the ruling for the one who was habitual of having pleasure with oneself by crossing legs but later made sincere tauba and qasam that person will not do it again? After a long time while the person was sleeping, the person felt that crossing legs like that person used to do long time ago then immediately the person wakes up and controlled that action. Does the qasam break since it wasnt done in unconscious state?

Meaning of "Allah is above the clouds"

Q: I read this Hadith:

“O Allaah’s Messenger! Where was our Lord before He created the heavens and earth?” He (salallaahu `alaihi wasallam) responded: “He was above the [white] clouds – no air was under him, no air was above him, and He created His Throne upon the water.”

Is it correct that we don’t have to take the first part (He was above the (white) clouds) literally because attributing a direction to Allah is kufr?

Reading the Bible and other scriptures

Q: I accidentally read a few verses of the Bible, now I read that we are not allowed to read the Books of the other religions because we might disbelieve in what we must believe in and vice versa. So I was stricken with waswasa. I got really confused while reading them, so I said I neither confirm nor deny these verses and also I neither confirm nor deny if these are in the Quran. Now if those verses and whatever’s mentioned in that really in our religion, will I have committed kufr? What should I do?