Engagement functions
Q: Can I please know if we wish to do an engagement in Islam, what is the proper way to do it. Also, is partition between men and women necessary in events and functions?.
Q: Can I please know if we wish to do an engagement in Islam, what is the proper way to do it. Also, is partition between men and women necessary in events and functions?.
Q: How should one ensure that water has reached the inner part of the ears during ghusal? Is it sufficient for one to make khilaal of the ears?
Q: Do I have to pay Zakat on rental income or the value of the rental property? Just like paying Zakat on the value of gold and stock?
Q: How can I do ishaa prayer if I am out of my city? After two rakats, should I do salam or should I wait until others complete their Prayer?
Q: I live in Saudia Arabia. I have done already two times Umrah. I want to make Umrah for my parents. My parents stay in India. Is it possible to make Umrah for my parents while they are alive?
Q: A person was offering fajr and recited Surah Al A'laa in it. However, the person missed 4 ayat in the middle of the surah (from ayah 12 to ayah 16) and also did not do sajdah sahw. Should the prayer be repeated?
Q: My friend offered for me to be his second wife. Before agreeing, I would like to know about the rights of a second wife. How does it differ from the rights of the first wife? He told me that he will not live with me and have more children with me because he already has three children. I'm very young and I also want to build a full-fledged family by have children and that my husband could be with me and support me. He lives very far from me, and if we make nikah, it will not change anything. He will still live with his first wife and does not want to have more children.
So I wanted to ask you, what is the difference between the rights of the second wife from the first wife? Can he live far from me and see me only 1-2 times a week for only 1-2 hours, is it correct?
Q: I am considering converting to Islam, but I live in a house with dogs and cannot avoid them due to my disability, is this ok?
Q: Is it sunnah to:
1. Wash hands before eating?
2. Not dry them before eating?
Q: During salaah, if someone swallows snot that comes from the nose into the mouth, does it break salaah?