Ajmer tabarruq
Q: Is it haraam to eat Ajmer tabarruq?
Q: Is it haraam to eat Ajmer tabarruq?
Q: I have done something that I swore by the Quran, that I would never do again, but I still do it. Then after I did it I swore again that I wouldn't do it, but then I still did it. I know that this time I will never do it again, but I feel like Allah doesn't love me, or trust me, or has forgiven me. And it has been horrible pain. Please someone help me. What is the kaffara for breaking an oath?
Q: I want to know if playing games on a mobile phone is permissible or not?
Q: What is actually speling of Muhammad or Mohammad?
Q: I want to ask can a sunni muslim eat food which came from a shia?
Q: I would like to know if black bangles are allowed for babies for protection or is it more a Hindu custom. The little knowledge I have it's not part of our Sunnah.
Q: If a husband left his wife and children a year and no chances to come back to country with no money and necessary facilities and they lived alone, so according to Islam is there any relation between husband and wife remaining? He was not giving to her naan nafaqa?
Q: Nowadays, majority of husbands have a single wife with the exception of some. In this situation, how can a woman be asked to tolerate her husband's second marriage. Isn't it a responsibility of the husband to inform her prior to the marriage of him entering into another marriage so that she can choose to marry him or not?
Q: My question is twofold: 1) Can I retain my wife in a marriage wherein she claims that I have not been emotionally supportive of her and she is unhappy, yet I feel I want to work on the issues (especially since we have 3 children to consider)? 2) We have already divorced twice (2 talaqs) and knowing that after the 3rd talaq we cannot reconcile without first marrying other people - what if she had to pursue a Fasakh (annulment) which is then granted, can we perhaps still re-marry after that?
Q: Is marriage with mother's uncle's daughter permissible or not?