Kissing the thumbs at the time of Azaan

Q: Some people claim that it is mustahab to kiss the thumbs and place them on the eyes at the time of hearing the blessed name of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) in the Azaan. They substantiate and prove their claim through narrations mentioned in the following kitaabs; Musnadul Firdous, Kanzul Ibaad and Fataawa Soofiyah. What is the correct shari ruling in this regard?

Using recycled water

Q: The residential area I stay in is now using recycled water. This water is apparently derived from sewage water. Although they have claimed that the water has undergone stringent purifying processes and is currently safe for human consumption, it is noticeably different from what it used to be before the drought. My question is, knowing full well the apparent source of this water, in addition to consumption, is it jaaiz to use such water for wudhu and ghusl? If not then what is the alternative considering it is very impractical to purchase large amounts of water or even instal a borehole.

Delaying Hajj until one is unable to perform it due to old age

Q: A person had the means of performing hajj, but didn't do so. When he becomes old he becomes more practising and regrets not having performed hajj when he was young. Now he is too old, weak and sick to perform hajj. Will he be punished in the hereafter for not having performed hajj when he was young and able to do so, or will he be forgiven due to his regret?

Zakaat on jewellery


1. A person has a jewellery shop. In this he sells a golden ring having a diamond. The gold value of the ring is 1000 pounds, but the ring is sold for 2000 pounds (which includes the value of the diamond, labour etc). Should he pay zakat on the gold value (1000 pounds) or the full value of the ring (2000 pounds)?

2. Further, the person buying the ring, should she pay zakat on the gold contents (1000 pounds) or the full value of the ring (2000 pounds)?


Q: I have a uni-brow and I want to remove it but my parents say we need an authentic hadeeth or quranic ayah.

Not charging tax

Q: I am a working girl. Just one month ago I started working into travel agency and according to government regulations we have to charge 1.45 % government service tax on hotels and 4.35% on completed package on the products we sale to the clients so recently have sold a complete package but while making the bill for the package my boss has told me charge only 1.45 % while the real charge is of 4.34% tax so now I wants to know whether it is right or wrong. I am just an employee there and I work for a salary but I want to know wether the salary I get will it be counted as halaal to me or not. Because every employee gets there salary from the profit which the company makes and they do their business in this way. The salary is jaaiz for me or should I leave the job?

Making istinja while fasting

Q: I recently learnt in my madresa that we should be careful when making ghusl in Ramadaan and that we should be careful when washing our behind because water gets sucked up and that will break the fast. My question is how should we wash the behind and till what extent, so that the water does not get sucked up.

Speaking lies and deception

Q: I get schooling allowance for my kids from my company. Let say 1000. But actual fee is only 100 because the school is not of good standard. For that reason i have to send my kid for special private tuition which cost me 300 which is not entertained by company. transportation fee is covered but i do not claim because my house is near to school my kid goes by walk. The question is can I submit fake transportaion bill, once claimed i want to cover private tuition fee. Note all these expenses are within the range the company offers me that is 1000.

Prearranged halaala

Q: A Hanaafi Sunni Deobandi man divorces his wife. Taalaq is final. Can he arrange for his wife to temporarily marry another man and he quickly divorces her so that he is able to remarry his ex-wife again. Please specify if it is Haraam, disliked , sinful of whatever. The answer is relevant for them to make a decision .