Paying fidyah for the missed Salaahs and Fasts of the deceased

Q: We Sunni-hanafi, wish to pay as fidya for Qadha namaaz and roza for my mother and father, but I do not know how much they had qaza. I always found them Pious and humble, praying and careful about Namaaz and Rowza, except during last days of illness. What is the Islamic ruling for this? How can I calculate days and amount how to spend? Bearing expenses of a student heading towards hafiz e quran or Alim e deen, or donation for construction of Mosque considered as Sadaqa-e-jaria for my parents? What are other ways for this intention. Request for prayers for my parents to get best place in Jannat and Magfirat.

Both disputing parties not having any evidence

Q: My elder sister because of no children she was living with me instead of her husband since last about 45 years. She went entitled to draw pension amount of his husband after his death since last 05 years. In July 2015 she got Mouth Cancer and for proper treatment I brought her from Village to Karachi (Pakistan) city. To share the expenses she handed over me her Pension Book. To draw the pension from Village Post Office I handed over that Book to my relative Mr ZAID's family and told them to draw the pension on monthly basis and please enter in a separate note book to keep the record. I may ask to send me or whenever I shall visit the village I may collect the same from you. In March 2016 my elder sister passed away. After her death Mr ZAID informed me that I have donated all the amount to a village Mosque Trust. I asked him that why he did so without my permission as the amount belonged to me. He said that your late sister during her life has instructed me to do so. Mufti Sahab after all this, a few questions are in my mind please guide me in this regard.

1. How should I trust ZAID's statement because he failed to inform me about my sister's Instruction for donation of this amount during her life to confirm the same from my elder sister which is impossible after her death?

2. Whether Mr ZAID was entitled to utilize that amount which was left amaanat with her family. In my opinion he is khaain. Is it correct?

3. Whether my late sister was allowed to instruct about that amount which she has already handed over to me and allowed me to utilize that amount?

Charging commission

Q: I have been asked a question by someone of the following matter. Just setting out the case. The person needing the advice is a businessman who is dealing with an agent of another party. The agent comes with a tender to provide in bulk an item for the third party. By agreement the businessman tells the agent of the third party that he will give him 7.5 percent commission on the amount of the bulk. In order to give the 7.5 percent commission, the businessman inflates his usual price of the item in order to incorporate the 7.5 commission i.e if the businessman would usually sell an item for R10 000 he would now quote the price as R10 750 so that the agent of the third party can get the commission of R750 from the businessman . The way in which this works is that the agent will get the quotation approved to the amount of R10 750 and get the cheque to that amount of which he will give R10 000 to the businessman and will retain the R750 for himself and the goods will then be supplied. Bare in mind that the businessman still only makes an actual invoice of R10 000 and the transaction takes place only between the businessman and the agent of the 3rd party in which the 3rd parties information is not disclosed to the businessman. Is such business practice permissible? If not, what is the way forward in keeping this business relationship, again baring in mind that if the businessman does not give any incentive to the agent the agent will no longer transact with the businessman and together with that the businessman does want to lose out on the profit based on his normal prices and hence inflates the price to provide an incentive to the agent of the third party. I am an academic and I need more insight on the islamic perspective and permissibility of such a case and what is the best course to follow.

Self study

Q: My question is about names of Allah. While I was studying about names of Allah I found that many charts available in Internet contain unauthentic names of Allah so I tried to find out the authenticity of some of the names, but I couldn't find any reference for some of them. I heard that I can't deny any names of Allah and also I can't affirm new one. So in this situation how could I believe those names ? I can't deny them because I didn't give a reference as proof same as I can't affirm them because also I don't have any proof to say those names are authentic.

Telling the wife that one is thinking of divorce

Q: I have a question about an event that took part almost two months ago but the question came in my mind this week. About two months ago, my wife and I got in a very heated argument and I got extremely mad. Due to my anger, I wanted to emotionally upset her so I told her that I am thinking of divorce (honestly speaking, the thought or idea of divorce did come up, but I didn't want to do it - I only mentioned it to her so I could emotionally upset her). So, she started crying. Then, I told her that if I write it on my arm, then it will take place. Then, I wrote "Thinking of divorce" on my right arm and since she was crying (and couldn't see), I told her, "Well, I wrote it..." (I did write the word divorce, but the complete phrase was 'Thinking of Divorce' and she couldn't see the full phrase. The only reason I did this was, again, to emotionally upset her). Then, after maybe two minutes, she read the phrase and said "What does this mean?" I told her that I only wrote "Thinking of divorce" so I could threaten her and upset her. Then, after about a few hours when we calmed down, we both apologised and we both moved on. However, the question came to my mind did this actually count as a divorce at all or not? I asked my wife and she thinks that maybe this counted as the first divorce that was revoked. I, on the other hand, due to my intention to not divorce her at all, do not think this was actually a divorce. Moreover, she was near her menses and we had relations before that, so I knew I would have to wait until after her menses to actually divorce her (but again, I never intended on doing that). So does this count as a divorce?

Following one mazhab

Q: I am a staunch Hanafi and believe that Taqleed of one mazhab is important as explained by our elders. I have a question in my mind and have been thinking about it lately. I hope you will guide me in this regard. As it is known,that there is difference of halaal and haram also among the four mazhabs. So does that mean that on the day of Qiyamat, will we be judged according to our mazhab? Say a Hanafi does an act which is sinful in Hanafi mazhab, he will be punished? And a Maliki will not be punished for that same act because it is permissible according to Maliki mazhab?

Using pirated software

Q: I had purchased a computer from a shop. There are a few software which are not genuine. They are pirated version like windows etc. So is it permissible to use such software? We use this computer for our work, so will our income be lawful?

Loud zikr in congregation

Q: I just want to know if loud zikr in a congregation is permissible because some say it is and some say it's bida. Please give me an explanation. Didn't our beloved prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) or those around him practice this kind of zikr?

Emulating the kuffaar

Q: From the below ibaarat it is understood that the following two things will be with tashabbuh:

1) قصد (to be مشابه)

2) ميلان

So if the any of the above is not found this will not be tashabbuh. Is this correct?