Showing respect to the Hadith

Q: I am really worried. I was talking to a friend and we were arguing on something. He said if you leave it for 40 days you will forget it. Get used to not having it (at that time I didn't have it in mind that it's a hadith). Then he said it's a hadith and we were in argument and I said I know it's a hadith and I said don't put hadith into worldly matters. Since then I am worried that may be I denied a haidth unintentionally. I need your guidance.

Men using perfumes which leaves a stain on the clothing

Q: Is it permissible to use perfumes which contains saffron, as in a hadith our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) has prohibited it. Is this Hadith still applicable?

باب في الخلوق للرجال 4176 حدثنا موسى بن إسمعيل حدثنا حماد أخبرنا عطاء الخراساني عن يحيى بن يعمر عن عمار بن ياسر قال قدمت على أهلي ليلا وقد تشققت يداي فخلقوني بزعفران فغدوت على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فسلمت عليه فلم يرد علي ولم يرحب بي وقال اذهب فاغسل هذا عنك فذهبت فغسلته ثم جئت وقد بقي علي منه ردع فسلمت فلم يرد علي ولم يرحب بي وقال اذهب فاغسل هذا عنك فذهبت فغسلته ثم جئت فسلمت عليه فرد علي ورحب بي وقال إن الملائكة لا تحضر جنازة الكافر بخير ولا المتضمخ بالزعفران ولا الجنب قال ورخص للجنب إذا نام أو أكل أو شرب أن يتوضأ حدثنا نصر بن علي حدثنا محمد بن بكر أخبرنا ابن جريج أخبرني عمر بن عطاء ابن أبي الخوار أنه سمع يحيى بن يعمر يخبر عن رجل أخبره عن عمار بن ياسر زعم عمر أن يحيى سمى ذلك الرجل فنسي عمر اسمه أن عمارا قال تخلقت بهذه القصة والأول أتم بكثير فيه ذكر الغسل قال قلت لعمر وهم حرم قال لا القوم مقيمون ابوا داؤد

Inheritance in the case of divorce

Q: Husband (h) is married to first wife (A). H married second wife (B) in 1988. H becomes ill in 2002, hospitalised and critical. H sent (one) Talaaq Bain by hand to B on account of medical condition, but remains married to A. Reason is pressure brought to him by A to divorce B. H recovers in 3 month period and obtains a ruling that marriage valid. He is remorseful for his conduct and continues with marriage to B. H lives with A, but continues to visit B and maintains her. H gets ill again and dies. A and B sit in iddat. Is B (second wife) entitled to share in inheritance and entitled to maintenance from H (deceased estate)? In the above situation, is the marriage of husband to wife B still valid. If not, please explain why. If the marriage is valid, is wife B entitled to her share of inheritance?

Marital problems

Q: My question is that my husband always argues with me. When he's with me, he gets gets angry for no reason. He doesn't like spending time with me. Please provide me any wazifa for our solution and good life.