Getting married after committing zina

Q: I had a question, I commited zina with a woman who is my wife. She got pregnant at the time however we did not repent at that time. The imam that married us was aware that she was pregnant but he did not make us do tobah. We got married and then we had repented for what we had done. We both were not aware at the time that you must repent or the marriage may be invalid. It has been four years since and I wish to know is our marriage valid or invalid.

Being attracted to a girl

Q: I like a girl who is 17 years old and my age is 19 years. We both are classmates. I Would like to marry her. But I am not independent because I am still studying. And she also wants to study. I told her I will approach your guardian as soon as I finish my engineering. The problem is that her guardian is  hurrying for her marrage. And alhamdillah she has very good deen and taqwa. But when I said to her I want to marry, she said my guardian will do my marriage quickly. And alhamdillah we only used to talk. We never met alone. But now what should I do? Shall I say to her guardian that I will marry her after 3 years or as soon as I get independent? What should I do? She is telling me that bring your proposal before I get married. I don't want to show that I did love marriage. Pretend as if you didn't even know me before. Now what should I do?

Choosing between two proposals

Q: There is a boy who's character is very good and praised by all but he doesn't wear topi, jubba and all. He wears normal clothes, he has very humble character and has the desire to learn more about Deen as he has little knowledge about it. On the other hand there is another guy who is a very strong tableeghi boy. He dresses according to Islam, he has Deeni knowledge also, but his character is normal (not so rude not so humble). Whom should a girl prefer to marry?

Observing purda with one's sister in-law

Q: I am a Muslim sister who wears hijab and I try my best to practise my faith in the best way I can. I am married but due to circumstances surrounding our jobs, we are currently living apart but meet nearly every month for a week or so the situation will get better I am keeping sabr. My husband lives with his mother, sister, brother and brothers wife, in Dubai they are practising Muslims. My husband being the active and more free of others after with often takes his sister mother and mother in law out to places like dinner, dessert etc they all talk and enjoy each other's company. From my heart I feel that it isn't right for him to take his sister in law. My brother in law keeps to his friends and doesn't take his wife out they had an arranged marriage and have one child but don't seem to be in love like my husband and I are. I would like to know whether I stand correct to inform my husband to stop taking sister in law out even with family. My sister in law is younger then me and is rather attractive, she does have nice aklaaq but I just don't feel it's safe whilst I live away from him. Please let me know of your response.

Reciting Surah Hood on a Friday

Q: Is the following hadith quotable? Rasullullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said: "اقرؤوا سورة هود يوم الجمعة" “Recite Surah Hood on the day of Jumu’ah (Friday)” Musnad al-Darami, 2/545, Hadeeth # 3400, Shu’ab al—Eeman, 2/472, Hadeeth # 2438, Al-Durr al-Manthoor, 3/346, Fadha’il Suwar al-Qur’an al-Kareem, Pg.255, Al-Salaam).