Making congregational dua after a programme
Q: Is it permissible to make loud congregational dua after a programme (eg. Zikr, Bayaan, etc.)?
Q: Is it permissible to make loud congregational dua after a programme (eg. Zikr, Bayaan, etc.)?
Q: I saw a board inside Janatul-Baqi that says that " it's not allowed to recite any Surah of Quran at graveyard because there is no such evidence from Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) life" and furthermore an instructor at Janatul-Baqi advised not to recite any Surah from Quran at the graveyard. Please advise.
Q: I've heard that a woman who leaves from her home in a state of haidh and then becomes paak at her travel destination does not perform half the amount of rakaats but performs the normal amount. May I please have the reference for this.
Q: I had a small cut on my body and small amount of blood was flowing from it. I had to take fardh (compulsory) bath. I tried to stop this flow of blood but could not during taking bath. After completion of bath blood stopped flowing. Is my bath valid or not?
Q: Is investing in a pension fund permissible?
Q: My mother is divorced due to 30 years of abuse. My father abuses me and my sisters as well. She is remarried now. My sisters wants to live with my mother as our father hurts us and breaks our souls down and our minds. Is it permissible for us to live with my mother as her husband is a very good man Alhamdulilah?
Q: I am a married woman 24 years old. My husband is abroad and due to passport and visa issues, I have to wait till I get over there. I pray salah five times. Now for the time being I masturbate secretly without the knowledge of my husband. I am justified. I can't fast as I have health issues.
Q: My question is my father passed away. He left a house, his car, assests and business. My mom is still alive and I am the only daugther. It is only the two of us. My mom says all the inheritance is for her alone. Is this true?
1. If a person is a Haafiz, is it permissible for him to recite the Qur'an in front of everybody without a topi?
2. Can he lead the namaaz?
Q: Is Shab-e-Baraat considered a bid'ah? If someone keeps fast on Shab-e-Baraat for the sake of Allah, will this be a bid'ah as well?