Tahiyyatul musjid

Q: When praying our fard salat in the musjid, I was told that we can have the intention of tahiyyatul musjid included in the fard salaah or the sunnahs prayed before the fard. Does this apply also to maghrib salat (i.e. can we combine the fard of maghrib with tahiyyatul masjid), or is it different since that is a three rakaat salah? If it doesn't apply for maghrib, are there any other salaahs for which it doesn't apply too?

Spending wealth on comforts

Q: If Allah Ta'ala has given us abundant wealth, is there anything wrong in using it for our own comforts? I mean to build nice furnished house, wear good clothes, have high quality food, visit tourist places etc, provided we also give out our wealth in charity? Or we should only live a simple life and give out greater part of our wealth in the path of Allah as Sahaba (Radiyallahu Anhum) used to do?


Q: What is the Islamic ruling on aamils? Those that claim to know who is affected by jinn. Is it permissible for a husband to bring such a person into your home? What is ruqya and what is the distinction between the two?