
Q: While I was in Johannesburg recently we were invited to a "Ghadat". I wanted to attend but my wife refused to, as she comes from a well known family of learned Scholars and they don't attend such gatherings. I, myself, have never yet attended a Ghadat. What is the purpose of such a gathering and is it allowed in the Shariah?

Doubts regarding sperm

Q: I performed my fajr salaah with jammat. After I returned home, I went to take a quick shower before going to university. Last night I can't remember if I saw any thing or ejaculating at night but in the morning while washing between my leg and private organ they was kind of a fluff dirt not on my private they was nothing there. After I smelled my underwear, there was a little smell. Don't know if it was sperm but no sign at all of any najaasat. I just changed my life a week ago after committing a few major sins. By this happening it will make me stop my ibaadat and worship of Allah. I am not sure of what to do. My bedding is not messed. I started my missed salaahs. What do I do?


Q: My mother died this year. She left around 16 laac rupees. According to her will she told before her death to give in charity this amount to some mosque. This amount will come under wiraasat to distribute among her son and daughters or it will go to charity according to her will. Please reply what Islamic law says about this.

Premarital relationship

Q: My question is that I met a Muslim guy online and we fell love in last year. He used to support Islam on the internet just like me but somehow we fell in love. Then suddenly he started abusing Islam astaghfirullah and he made friends with atheists. When I asked him about his behaviour, he says he is just trollig the atheists. I think this is silly. He makes fun of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) but at the same time he fasts and prays too. I love him a lot but he treats me bad and ignores me a lot but still he says he loves me. What kind of love is this sir? And tell me a dua so I can forget him.

School prayer

Q: I am an educator at a government school and I am required to do the school assembly on occasions and entails me reading the school prayer which is basic but starts by saying "father we thank thee...." I have declined to say the prayer but they want to know on what basis because all the other teachers from different religions say it and according to them it's not a Christian but universal prayer. What explanation can I give them to say that I cannot say the school prayer during assembly?

Haafiz who trims his beard

Q: Who should lead the salaah? A hafiz of the quran who has a nice voice, but who trims his beard under the required length and who's robes flows under his ankles, or someone who isn't hafiz but is righteous adheres to the Sunnah? If the first leads the salaah should one repeat the salaah?