Finding dirt on one's feet after ghusal


1. After ghusl, I noticed some small dirt on my feet but I'm not sure it came after ghusl or before. Is my ghusal valid?

2. I repeated the ghusal but I accidentally left out a very small (thread size) dead skin which if I observed it came close to a very small part of living skin. I poured water on top of it without scrubbing and I'm not sure if water will go to the closed parts of the skin. I realised this after praying and I didn't know that I just need to wash only the dead skin to complete my ghusl. So one day after, I completed the ghusl by washing the dead skin area. Was my ghusal valid even I washed it after a day?

Performing Jumuah at school

Q: We are an Islamic school in India. We offer Dhuhr salaat in our campus in congregation. Our school plans to start Juma Salaat in the school taking safety and security into consideration so that the students need not go out to the mosque for Namaaz. The nearest mosque is around 200 metres from our school. Can we offer Juma Salaat at our school with proper Khutbah of a Imaam?

Positioning of toilets

Q: When building a house, what is the ruling on positioning of toilets and the beds. I am aware that both should not be in qibla direction.

1. Is this from the back and front?

2. Do you need to be slightly off qibla direction or completely in the opposite.

Iddat of a pregnant woman

Q: I just wanted to know how the iddat period of a woman works when she is pregnant. If I divorce my wife while she is pregnant and the baby dies in her stomach but she is not aware of this is she still in iddat until the doctors deliver the baby even though the baby has died or does her iddat end the day the baby dies in her stomach even though shes was not aware and the baby is still inside her?

Urine problem

Q: I am a mazoor as I suffer from urinary incontinence. I had a ghusl an hour befor jumuah. When I was at jumuah just before jamaat salaah commenced I felt a drop of urine coming out though I wasn't sure. The drop of urine can't soil my clothing as I wear a incontinence pad. Even if I remove the pad and check I won't be able to confirm if a drop came out as the pad is absorbent. I made namaaz like this. Was the namaaz excepted or do I have to repeat it.