Iddat of a pregnant woman
Q: I wish to know if I divorce my wife by one talaaq while she is pregnant and she gives birth after one month, does the iddat end there or is it a minimum of three months from the day of divorce?
Q: I wish to know if I divorce my wife by one talaaq while she is pregnant and she gives birth after one month, does the iddat end there or is it a minimum of three months from the day of divorce?
Q: In the second rakaat of any Salaah, can a longer Surah be recited compared to the Surah recited in the first rakaat? Or must the Surah recited in the first rakaat always be much longer than that recited in the second rakaat? If so, on what basis should the length of a Surah be determined?
Q: I have a few questions relating to the same matter.
1. Is it permissible to work for a company where the work is halaal, but the logo of the company is in the form of a human being or animal?
2. Will his wages be halaal if he works for this company?
3. If his payslips have this logo on them, does this affect his wages?
4. If he has to where uniform which has this logo of an animate being on it, does this affect his wages?
5. Finally, what if he has to carry boxes that have this logo on it or go into the back of trucks to load or unload while the truck has this logo on it etc?
Q: I used a mouthwash for bleeding gums five minutes before sehri ended and rinsed my mouth. Ten minutes after sehri, I could still get the taste of the mouthwash when I swallowed my saliva. Is my fast valid or did this nullify my fast?
Q: May Allah Ta'ala bless you and your family always. Mufti sahaab I wanted a dua that fulfil my particular hajath. Please give me a dua to recite, so that I can ask my haajat to Allah Ta'ala along reciting it with dua. Please suggest me some good and effective dua through which my hajat will become fulfilled. Please send me some good dua to read and ask for hajat.
Q: I have one question regarding earnings. Is it halaal or haram. There is one company doing gold trading. If I open an account I will pay them some amount and they will open a gold account for me. Gold rates are linked with the real gold rates which are current internationally. When I buy gold from my money, I buy a lot of gold and then this gold is not physical in real. The gold purchased is from the money and if I want to sell that gold, I can get my money back (not the gold) to my account. It could be profit or loss.
Q: What are the laws pertaining to Takbeer-e-Tashreeq?
Q: Why is it that whenever I listen to the Quran, the reciter always pauses at places where there is no sign of pause found in the Mushaf and they also go back to repeat it and finish the verse? How do you know when you can stop in the middle of a verse even if it doesn't have a sign of pause?
Q: What is the minimum number of people required to fulfil a Waajib/ Sunnat kifaayah act?
Q: Why does the Usmaani script of the Quran not have the same signs of pause as in the Indopaak script? For example in many verses of the Quran, I see one verse in the indopaak script has a compulsory stop sign but that same Verse in the uthmani script doesn't have it. Like in Ayat number 13 of Surah Yaseen. The meem which is used to indicate a compulsory stop is Present in Ayat number 13 of Surah Yaseen in the indopaak script but it isn't present in the uthmani script. Why is this?