Zakaat on collaterals
Q: I have a shop, and pay 1200 as rent. I have given some money as security to the landlord. Should I add this security money while calculating nisaab for zakaat? Please reply?
Q: I have a shop, and pay 1200 as rent. I have given some money as security to the landlord. Should I add this security money while calculating nisaab for zakaat? Please reply?
Q: Is it permissible for a carpenter to manufacture and install a bar for a non Muslim client knowing full well that it is going to be used to serve alcohol?
Q: I and my wife are currently experiencing marital issues/problems. After a heated argument/exchange I said to her that she must be out of the house when I get home. On my return that evening I found that my wife had indeed left, taking our four kids, all of their clothing, all of the groceries and some items which belonged to me. Apparently she went to her friends home and later that week to family (She was gone for a whole week), Subsequent to this I was served with a protection order wherein the Magistrate declared that I am to leave the property and that I am barred from entering my home until some time in October when the court will make a decision relating to the order whether it may make it permanent. I have been in a state of depression ever since and am now sharing a BED with my uncle as I have no other place to go to. I have not issued any Talaaq but have been instructed by her family that I must continue paying the rent and expenses as nafaakaah. Firstly, what rights do I have here, my wife does not want to re-concile saying that she needs time as I have caused too much damage over the 14 years of marriage. She says that she has until October, this is very unfair to me (my opinion) Admittedly I have done wrong in the past, I have expressed regret and remorse but she seems to not be listening / willing to let me back. I love my kids and do care for my wife and do not want to lose them. Please guide me and assist me here even if the pill is bitter to swallow.
Q: All angels were made of light. Shaytan was made of fire. Question: Was shaytan not an angel before being banished? Light or fire?
Q: Can one perform hajj if he has taken a loan but as Qarz e husana?
Q: To marry a second women in UK you need to give paper divorce to first wife. (Want to keep both wife same time). Does this divorce count in Islam , if yes then how to bring the first wife back in marriage Islamicaly?
1. What is the best worship to do in last 10 night of Ramadan?
2. In Masjaaid after Tarawih they do again congregation Salah 8 Rakaats (called night Salah). Best to join them in salah or best to do individual worship or salaah?
Q: My last period date was 26 june till 1 july2015, but before 8 days I felt some unclear discharge which was not reddish but yellowish like, and after finishing periods this discharge remained for four days but I was still fasting at those discharge days, so my question is that did I do qada of 7 days fast, its enough or that four days of discharge after the period will also consider be considered as impure? Should I do qada for these four days also?
Q: I live in Saudi Arabia and want to perform umrah on Sunday (9 August ) before returning to South Africa. However, my menstruation has begun today (7 August) and my last period ended on 26 July (it was the full ten days). The space between then and now is 12 days and I am still performing my salah as to my knowledge there has to be a 15 day gap. Can I preform umrah or not?
Q: If a lady after experiencing about 6 days of haidh and from the seventhday slightly coloured discharge, will it be regarded as haidh if
1. The discharge is white when wet but coloured after drying
2. It is very slightly brown/yellow (not pure white) when wet but white when dry and:
a. If it is so little that it does not stain the pad but when making istinjaa it is felt that there was discharge, and now the colour is not known, what should be done?
b. If a lady becomes paak one hour before shoot, does Esha Salaah and taraweeh become fardh on her?