Maaturidis, Asharis and Atharis
Q: Who are Maaturidis, Asharis and Atharis? Can you please tell in detail?
Q: Who are Maaturidis, Asharis and Atharis? Can you please tell in detail?
1) If a person is in jamaat and the ameer tells him to do something that will cause him to miss Takbir-e-oola, should he obey?
2) If a person is in jamaat and the ameer tells him to do something like asking a Muslim lady they see walking if she knows where the Muslims gather for salaah.
Q: If a person is going on jamaat to an Arab country for ramadan and eid, and in that country they use scientific methods to determine the date of eid without actually seeing the moon, should one celebrate eid with them? If not, should one look for the moon and if not seen, fast on their eid and celebrate eid the next day?
Q: In a 4 rakaat Sunnah salaah, if in the first 2 rakaat one reads e.g. 1 page in each rakaat. Is it fine in the 3rd and 4th rakaat to read 1.5 pages? I.e more than the first two.
Q: If a person is holding a handkerchief in his hand and performing salaah due to his nose running, his postures in salaah will be slightly changed, e.g. in sajdah he will hold his hand sideways or upside down so the hanky doesn't touch the floor, and in qadah his hand will be slightly lifted off his thigh with the hanky in between. Is it permissible to do so? What other options are there?
Q: Should women read salaah at awwal waqt or at the same time the jamaat is in the masjid?
Q: A screencast is a digital recording of computer screen output, also known as a video screen capture, often containing audio narration. It is commonly used in education, both in online courses and software training videos. Only the screen output is shown and nothing else. It is often that the audio narration is done by a woman.
(1) Is it permissible for a male to watch a screencast if the audio narration is done by a woman? Only her voice is heard.
(2) Is it permissible for a female to watch a screencast if the audio narration is done by a male? Only his voice is heard.
(3) Is it permissible for a male to do the audio narration of a screencast if he knows that both men and woman will hear his voice? This would only be for screencasts of a permissible nature and with no animate images.
Q: Please advise regarding the actions of the night:
1. Is it necessary to close all doors and windows of the house from maghrib till after sunrise?
2. If so, must it be done in even hot weather or with a window in the toilet room as well?
3. Must a utensil, like a plastic jug, kept in a toilet-bathroom that is used expressly for the purpose of holding water for istinja also be covered at night?
4. If so, can the water in such a utensil that was not covered at night be used for istinja?
5. Should even adults avoid leaving the home or standing around outside unnecessarily from maghrib till after sunrise?
6. Must one avoid cutting trees and plants, gardening, picking flowers etc. from maghrib till after sunrise?
7. Would (Question 6) apply to indoor plants as well? 8. Also, is it alright to have plants growing indoors? Like a vase of flowers, a tree, or a pot plant?
Q: Can one burn papers with Allah written on it or it has to be buried?
Q: Is it allowed for men to remove the hair on the chest as mines is quite a lot?