Water falling onto the toilet seat

Q: I used to make istinja while standing. I used to pour water on the hands and then wash my private part and water would fall on my clothes and floor. Now someone told me that I should sit on the toilet seat and make istinja. But my question is that if I sit on the toilet seat and while washing water falls on the toilet seat, does the seat became impure. There is every chance that when I pour water on private part it will drip.

Parents preventing the boy from getting married

Q: I am a 21 years old boy and I am graduating this year in June with an engineering degree. My family is well settled Alhumdulilah and we don't have any such issues financially. I like a girl and want to marry her so to avoid any gunnah and keep things Islmaic we approached our parents for our marriage. Her parents agreed readily as they know me and like me but my parents made an objection. The girl is of good character the only objection they made is that in our Culture we get married after 25 years of age and you are four years younger and don't earn yet. I said okay I will wait a year and get a job and start earning and get married but they making and issue because they think I am not 25 years old and because they want it to be done in their family. So what should I do now as I think I will make a good couple with her. I also did istekhara and got a positive dream for which I consulted a mufti too. Can you please guide me how to deal with my parents issues?

Talking bad about others

Q: My wife was guilty of adultery and she is repenting. But she is always talking bad about other women that sells themselves for drugs and always talking about other peoples wrongs. Is it wrong of me to tell her to stop talking and looking at other peoples wrongs and look at her own past wrong deeds? and that a married woman that commits adultery is worse than a single woman that sleeps around?I have real concern about my wife and the sin she has committed but she is always pointing fingers at others and forgets about herself. How long must she repent for her zina she committed?

Working in a place that sells pork and wine

Q: I am a student and working part time. I want to know that if I work in a place where pork and wine etc are sold and I would have to deal with these things, is it permissible in a non-Muslim country? In addition, I have tried my best to find a job that does not involve this stuff but either the pay rates were far below the minimum wage rate or I had no experience of that work.

Suspending talaaq upon speaking a lie

Q: I signed a single talaaq paper but did not inform my wife. Before signing, a few days before, I told my wife not to tell a lie and if she lies from now on, talaaq will happen and she lied again. I did not send the single talaaq notice to her as the address was incorrect on the deed, later while making a correction in the divorce deed we mentioned "triple talaaq" and again I signed this deed and sent the notice to her. All this happened within a month and she was at her parents house, we also had marital relations while she stayed with me in my house. I want to know how many talaaqs happened? If the total count is two (by considering triple talaaq as one) what do I do to take her back as my wife. Today is her 90th day of iddah.

Dispute regarding who should perform Salaah

Q: Basically in school we have a special prayer room that we had got for praying zuhr at lunchtime. The imaam is my younger brother who is a Hafiz. There were some brothers that used to lead but now its my brother because its more of his right as he is a hafizul quran and then a few days ago subhanallah while we were praying with jamaat they made there own jamaat right next to us. I think its a matter of the person wanting to lead as I know he is not a hafiz and doesn't have a beard so its not exactly his right to lead. My question is what can I say to the brothers that made there own while our jamaat has commenced? When there are a group of people how does one choose a certain person to lead as I heard there are certain conditions?