Giving preference to performing salaah with jamaat in the Musjid

Q: I received a message wherein the following Hadith of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) was mentioned:

Hazrat Anas bin Maalik (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “If food is served and the Iqaamah for salaah is given, then start with the food.”

The question that I wish to ask is that if one is at home and partaking of meals or one is at a function (e.g. waleemah or a braai etc.) and the food is being served, and the jamaat salaah in the musjid is about to commence, then what should a person do? Should one give preference to partaking of the food or should one attend the jamaat salaah in the musjid, as we have understood from this hadith that one should give preference to the food?

Biomolecular isotherapy treatment

Q: I would like to know if biomolecular isotherapy is permissible. This therapy constitutes of removing blood from the body, spinning it, removing the plasma and taking it as medication orally. I have a severe case of psoriasis and I have tried different medication for a long time but has found no difference. This form of medication has been recently suggested to me.

Going from Taif to Musjid ul Haraam without performing umrah

Q: I am living in Taif for work purposes. I frequently go for Umrah from Taif, however sometimes I go to Musjid ul Haraam to perform salaah such as the Jumuah salaah.

I have recently been told that it is not permissible to go to Musjid ul Haraam just to perform salaah as respect of the Haram demands that we wear ihraam and perform Umrah before entering. Can you please clarify if it is permissible for me to go to Musjid ul Haraam just to perform salaah without performing Umrah?

Selling a property and holding back the property while receiving the rentals until full payment is made

Q: Please advise on the following:

I have a share in a property I'd like to sell privately. The buyer wants a few months to pay.

Can we do the sale as a cash sale rather than credit, and I allow him time to pay, but till he pays the entire amount I hold the ownership of the property and receive the rentals. When the final amount has been paid in full, the property transfers into the buyers ownership and he receives rental.

In essence, for safety reasons and to receive the rental in the interim, will this be permissible, rather than doing a credit transaction where the ownership would transfer immediately and I would have a doubt regarding payment later.

Using the word faarigh for divorce

Q: My husband and I were in an argument and both of us were very angry so when I said to him to give me talaq, he said you are farigh from my side but since I didnt know about the meaning of this word farigh, I didn't paid attention to it. After that 5 years passed and I also gave birth to our third baby.

Now, after asking one mufti about this, he said to me that the talaq was valid and when I asked my husband about this, he said I never said that you are farigh, rather I said farigh kardunga. Please help and I also dont remember it very much because years have passed.

Custom of a person removing the bride from the stage on her wedding

Q: I am planning to marry in 3 weeks insha Allah.

The families are making the nikah very difficult. Myself and wife to be want it to be simple and Islamic also adhering to covid protocols.

They are also requesting that we have human to remove her from the stage as is the tradition in Cape Town.

Could you please tell me if this has any basis in Islam as we are both very shy and do not want to even be on a stage of any sort.